Monday, 12 February 2018

Xforex trading de devices and desires

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PNG에있는 대부분의 사람들이 Cmake 컴파일러 특정 옵션 거래 포트 Moresby 증권 거래소 직접 교환 사이트 2 Exchange Wikipedia 3Moresby 상장 주식 PNG 비즈니스 관광 사이트 Newcrest 광업 Lihir에 근무하고 회사에서 주식을 사려고합니다 어디에서 시작할 것입니까? GPNG는 풍부합니다 석유, 가스, 구리, 은, 목재 및 수산업과 같은 천연 자원에서 거시 경제 관리가 강화되면서 1975 년 독립 이후 경제 성장에있어 가장 긴 중단없는 기간을 창출했습니다 파푸아에서 증권 거래소 란 무엇인가? New Guinea Gainscope Forex Indonesia Broker 대규모 투자는 광업 및 석유 부문으로 제한되었습니다. 증권 거래소 란 무엇이며 어떻게 운영됩니까? 파푸아 뉴기니 PNG s 증권 거래소의 건강을 측정하는 키나 증권 지수는 2011 년 2221 년 가을을 기록했지만, 이번 가을은 경제 성장, 에너지 및 환경국 국무부 차관보에보고되어야한다. Business Affairs 비고 및 석방 기타 자료 투자 환경 공조 정책 투자 환경 선언문 2015 파푸아 뉴기니 개요 파푸아 뉴기니는 남서 태평양 지역의 오세아니아에 위치하고 있습니다. 증권 거래소는 무엇이며 파푸아 뉴기니 외환 클럽은 어떻게 운영됩니까? Xforex 거래 De 장치 및 Desires. Best Trading Sites.24 옵션 거래 10 분 Binaries. 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Strategy를 사용하면 이자율을 자산의 일부가 몇 년마다 성숙한 유가 증권에 투자되기 때문에 대규모 구매 나 비상 사태에 필요한 유동성이 필요합니다. 고정 수입 포트폴리오의 일부만을 장기 채권은 장기 금리의 가치에 더 큰 영향을 미치는 경향이있는 상승하는 금리와 관련된 위험을 감소시키는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 총알 전략을 추구 할 때 동시에 성숙한 여러 채권을 구매할 경우 금리 위험을 귀하의 구매 날짜를 비틀므로 이것은 대학 등록금 청구서가 올 때와 같이 특정 시간에 채권금을 필요로한다는 것을 알 때 효과적인 접근법입니다. 포트폴리오에있는 모든 채권을 10 년 만에 성숙 시켜서 한꺼번에 수익을 올릴 수 있기를 바랍니다. 그러나 변동성이 큰 이자율에 대한 노출을 줄이고 싶습니다. 금리 인상시 가치를 잃는 방법 금리를 인상하는 방법은 4 년 동안 채권 매입을 번갈아하는 것입니다. 모든 채권 만기는 미래의 재정적 필요성의 날짜와 일치합니다. 원금 반환은 물론 발행자의 신용 위험이 있습니다. 다른시기와 다른 금리 환경에서 채권을 매수함으로써 금리 위험을 헤지합니다. 채권 전략 모니터링. 여기에는 어떤 전략의 가장 중요한 부분이 있습니다. 전략을 수립하여 일할 기회조차 마련해야합니다 그것에 대해 느슨해지면 혜택이 빨리 사라지거나 악화 될 수 있습니다. 목표에 맞춰 실행하십시오. 여기에서 설명한 전략 중 하나 이상을 사용하여 채권이나 CD를 투자하면 t 채권이 성숙 해짐에 따라 귀하의 계획에 따라 새로운 채권을 구매할 수 있습니다. 마찬가지로 새로운 전략을 시작하는 경우, 해당 펀드를 새로운 전략에 통합하기 전에 성숙해야하는 현재 투자가있을 수 있습니다. Fidelity의 Fixed Income Analysis Tool과 같은 툴을 사용하면 채권 및 채권 펀드를 명확하게 식별하고 분석 할 수 있습니다. 다양한 부문 및 신용도에 따른 현금 흐름 및 다변화 도구는 자동으로 기존 채권, 채권 펀드, Fidelity의 CD 홀딩스를 사용하면 Fidelity 이외의 투자를 나타내는 가상 위치를 입력하여 전체 포트폴리오를보다 잘 반영 할 수 있습니다. Merrill Edge에 투자 할 때 더 많은 가치와 추가 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다. 우리의 최신 제안의 이점. 0 온라인 거래 1 월 30 일까지. 30 Bank of America 은행 또는 Merrill Edge 자체 감독 투자 계좌에서 25,000 달러를 현금으로 가지고 있거나 매월 Platinum Privileges 상태를 유지하는 경우 매월 30 개의 온라인 주식 및 ETF 거래에 대해 월별로 거래합니다. 3 자격 기준 기타 거래 및 관리 수수료에 대한 가격 세부 정보보기 2 1515 년 4 월 15 일 현재의 가격을 기준으로 한 테이블 비교 데이터이며 특별 프로모션 오퍼링을 제외합니다. E TRADE의 주식, ETF 또는 옵션 거래에 대한 온라인 표준 가격은 9 99, 분기당 150 회 이상 거래하는 고객의 경우 7 99, 분기당 1,500 회 거래하는 고객의 경우 6 99. TD Ameritrade ETF의 경우 ETF는 100 개의 수수료없는 ETF 목록에 있어야하며 최소 30 회 이상 보유해야합니다 Schwab 이외의 ETF d 당 가격 - iShare가 아닌 ETF.3 거래 당 가격은 개인 또는 공동 Merrill Edge가 자기 감독 한 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다. 중개인 계좌 거래를 할 때 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated MLPFS는 귀하가 0 면제에 대한 해당 거래의 자격 요건을 충족하는지 여부를 결정합니다. 자격이 부여 된 거래의 수를 결정하기 위해 MLPFS는 개별 계좌 및 공동 계좌에 적격 거래를 추가합니다. 요구 사항이 충족되지 않거나 귀하가 마진 거래, 옵션 거래, 특별 주식 등록 선물, 계좌 이체 및 처리, 연구 요청 및 해지 신청과 관련한 중개 수수료를 월간 적격 거래 횟수를 초과하는 경우. 수수료 다음 기준 중 하나를 충족하는 고객을 위해 MLPFS를 대신하여 주식 및 교환 거래 펀드 ETF를 포함하여 매월 30 건의 온라인 주식 거래가 면제됩니다. i Bank of America, NA MLPFS의 예금 계좌에 총 25,000 건 이상 합산 이전 달의 예금 계좌에 수집 된 평균 잔액을 은행 CD의 잔액에 추가합니다. d 이전 영업일의 IRA 동일한 사회 보장 번호를 가진 은행 예금 계좌 SSN과 같은 SSN은 계좌 이체 기준에 체계적으로 포함됩니다. 표준 예금 계좌 수수료가 적용됩니다. ii 또는 25,000 또는 그 이상의 잔액 귀하의 메릴 에지 (Merrill Edge) 자기 지시 계좌의 다음 스윕 옵션 중 하나 이상의 현금 잔액을 사전 영업일 기준으로 계산합니다 .- 현금 예금 계좌 CMA로 은행 예금 계좌 스윕 옵션 - 퇴직 자산 저축 프로그램 II IRA. iii 또는 US Trust. iv 또는 Platinum Privileges. v 또는 Preferred Rewards Platinum. b 고객의 고객 MLPFS를 대신하여 주식 및 ETF를 포함하여 매월 100 건의 주식 거래를위한 수수료가 면제됩니다. 다음과 같은 기준을 만족해야합니다. i Preferred Reewards 플래티넘 우승 상인 또는 은행 리 워즈 웰스 매니지먼트 US Trust. 이 제안은 사업 법인 계좌, 투자 클럽 계좌, 파트너쉽 계좌 및 MLPFS에서 개최되는 특정 신탁 계좌 기타 수수료 및 제한 사항이 적용될 수 있습니다. 관계 요구 사항 및 가격은 사전 통지없이 변경되거나 종료 될 수 있습니다. 0 거래 자격을 얻는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 EDGE 1 888 637 3343. NextGen Plan은 Maine의 재정 당국이 관리하는 Section 529 플랜입니다. NextGen 플랜에 투자하기 전에 NextGen College Investing Plan 프로그램 설명을 요청하고 신중히 읽으십시오. 프로그램 설명에는 투자 목표 , 비용, 비용 등을 고려하여 귀하가 투자하기 전에 신중하게 고려해야하는 NextGen 플랜에 투자해야합니다. 귀하는 본국 또는 지정된 수혜자의 본국이 그러한 세금에 대한 투자에만 사용할 수있는 주 세금이나 기타 혜택을 제공하는지 고려해야합니다 주 529 계획 529 항 계획은 주 또는 연방 기관인 Merril l Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated는 프로그램 관리자, 보험업자 및 배급 자입니다. Platinum Privileges 프로그램에 이미 등록되어있는 경우, 활동중인 Bank of America 개인 당좌 예금 계좌와 최소 50,000을 합산 된 잔액으로 유지함으로써 상태를 유지할 수 있습니다 귀하의 뱅크 오브 아메리카 예금 구좌 및 / 또는 메릴 에지 중개 계좌에 신규 가입을위한 플래티넘 특권이 더 이상 열려 있지 않습니다. 플래티넘 특전은 US Trust 및 Merrill Lynch Wealth Management 고객에게는 제공되지 않습니다. 귀하의 미국 신탁 고문 또는 Merrill Lynch 재무 고문에게 문의하십시오. 귀하의 자산 관리 관계를 통해 귀하가 이용할 수있는 향상된 뱅킹 혜택에 관한 정보. 적격 한 뱅크 오브 아메리카 (Bank of America) 개인 당좌 예금 계좌가 있으며 적격 은행에 3 개월 평균 합산 잔고를 유지하는 경우 Preferred Rewards 프로그램에 등록 할 수 있습니다 미국 예금 계좌 및 / 또는 자격을 갖춘 메릴 에지 앤드 머 (Merrill Edge and Merr) Gold Tier의 경우 최소 20,000, Platinum Tier의 경우 50,000, Platinum Honors Tier SafeBalance Banking 계정의 부적절한 Lynch 투자 계정은 계정 또는 잔액 요구 사항에 포함되지 않으며 수수료 면제 및 기타 혜택을받지 못합니다. 프로그램 균형 보상 및 기타 요건을 충족하는 경우 Preferred Rewards에 등록하지 않고도 특정 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다. 직원 자격 요건에 대한 자세한 내용은 Employee Banking Investments 웹 사이트를 방문하십시오. Preferred Rewards Gold 계층에는 Merrill을 통한 0 온라인 주식 및 ETF 거래가 포함되지 않습니다 플래티늄 및 플래티넘 우등 상금으로 현재 이용 가능한 혜택 우대 혜택에 등록하고 골드 등급에 해당하는 플래티넘 특전 고객은 잠재적으로이 혜택을 상실 할 수 있습니다. 메릴린치 부 자산 관리 고객은 뱅크 오브 오브 뱅크 미국과 메릴린치는 추가 뱅킹을받을 자격이 있습니다. 혜택 자세한 내용은 메릴린치 재무 고문과 상담하십시오. 메릴 에지 셀프 디렉팅 투자를 통해 판매되는 자산 증권은 경제 및 사업 개발에 따라 발생하는 주식 시장 변동에 영향을받습니다. 옵션 거래 옵션에는 위험이 포함되며 모든 투자자에게 적합하지 않습니다. 옵션을 거래하려면 특정 요구 사항을 충족해야합니다. 옵션 구매 또는 판매에 종사하기 전에 투자자는 권리와 의무의 성격과 정도를 이해하고 옵션 투자와 관련된 위험을 인식해야합니다. 옵션을 매매하기 전에, 고객은 옵션 공개 문서를 받아야합니다. 표준화 된 옵션의 특성 및 위험 사항 1 877 653 4732로 투자 센터에 전화하십시오. 별도의 고객 계약이 필요합니다. 다중 옵션 거래와 관련된 주문에는 옵션 주문의 각 레그마다 별도의 수수료가 부과됩니다 뮤추얼 펀드 무부하 펀드는 판매 수수료를 평가하지 않지만, 펀드 주식은 메리 린치 (Merrill Lynch)는 참여 펀드 회사들로부터 보수를받습니다. 뮤추얼 펀드 주식을 구입하고 보유하는 고객과 관련하여 딜러 양보 및 자산 기반 판매 수수료 및 / 또는 서비스 수수료를받는 것에 더하여, 메릴린치 린치 및 그 계열사는 펀드 또는 그 계열사로부터 추가 보상을받을 수있는 기타 서비스를 제공합니다. 이 보상은 일반적으로 투자 센터 담당자 및 뮤추얼 펀드 투자 가이드에서 제공되는 펀드 안내서에 명시되어 있으며 여기에서 확인할 수 있습니다 특정 뮤추얼 펀드 가족 보상 정보는 투자 센터에 문의하십시오. 펀드 주식은 메릴린치 단기 환매 수수료를 지불하지 않고 기금으로 직접 사용할 수 있습니다. 추가 송금 수수료가 적용될 수 있습니다. 많은로드 펀드는 다양한 판매 수수료 할인 또는 면제 안내서의 조건에 따라 및 / 또는 추가 정보 진술서 귀하는 할인 또는 면제 자격이되는지 여부를 결정하기 위해 펀드 안내서 또는 추가 정보 진술을 참조해야합니다. 귀하가 이러한 할인 또는 면제 자격이 있다고 판단되는 경우 투자 센터 담당자에게 알립니다. 투자 센터에 1 877 653 4732로 문의하십시오. 뮤추얼 펀드 주가는 시장 및 경제 상황에 따라 변동되며 뮤추얼 펀드에 투자하여 손실을 입을 수 있습니다. 고정 수입 고정 수입 주문에는 기관 할인에 관한 주문 정보가 포함되어 있습니다. 예금, 회사채, 지방채 및 재무 채권 투자 차량. 교환 거래 펀드는 주식과 유사한 위험에 처할 수 있습니다. 투자 수익은 변동될 수 있으며 시장 변동성의 영향을 받기 때문에 투자자의 주식은 상환되거나 판매 될 때 가치가 원래의 것보다 더 많거나 적음. 예금 중개인 보증금은 은행과 다릅니다. Certifi cate of Deposit 예금 증서는 은행에서 직접 구입할 수 있지만 브로커 CD는 더 높은 수익률을 제공 할 수 있지만 변동 금리에 따라 그 가치가 변동될 수 있습니다. Banking America는 Bank of America , NA 및 계열 은행 회원 FDIC 및 Bank of America Corporation의 전액 출자 자. DRS 적격자는 이전 대리인을 통해 전자적으로 보유 된 증권을 의미합니다. 직접 등록 시스템 비 DRS 적격 보안 수수료는 예금 신탁 회사가 Merrill Edge에 부과 한 금액과 같습니다 현금 보상, 무료 거래, 계좌 개설 수수료 및 기타 다른 가치있는 물건의 포기는 생명 보험이나 연금을 포함한 어떤 종류의 보험 판매를 유도하기위한 목적으로 사용되어서는 안됩니다. 우리는 다루기 쉽고 철저한 서비스를 제공합니다 글로벌 금융 시장을 돈으로 버는 방법을 가르쳐주는 트레이닝 코스. 성공적으로 거래하는 방법을 가르치는 한편, 우리 무역 사무소에서 실시간으로 실시간 거래를 보내고 실제로 전문가가 만드는 것과 동일한 거래를 할 수있게 해주는 역사상의 ompany입니다. 우리는 당신이 어떻게 갈 수 있는지에 대한 세부 정보를 제공하는 무료 세미나를 제공합니다 우리의 3 개월간의 트레이딩 과정을 마칠뿐만 아니라 어떤 형태의 트레이딩이 당신에게 가장 적합한지를 결정할 수 있도록 당신에게 진실하고 정직한 정보를 제공 할 것입니다. 당신의 위치와 관련하여 우리는 당신이 당신과 함께 배우고 일할 수있는 훈련을 제공 할 수 있습니다 온라인 무역 아카데미 두바이에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 온라인 무역 아카데미는 1997 년 6 월에 무역 예술 분야의 학생들을 교육하기 시작했습니다. 세계 최고의 무역 학교로서, 우리는 현재 최첨단 교육 시설을 제공합니다 전문 수업뿐만 아니라 다양한 유익한 가정 학습 자료를 제공합니다. 우리는 데이 트레이딩, 스윙 트레이딩, 포지션 트레이딩 및 투자 이론에서 다양한 트레이딩 스타일과 도구를 제공합니다. 주식, 외환 거래 펀드, 옵션, 선물 Eminis 상품 및 통화 금융 교육 분야에서 최고의 상품을 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 우리의 교육 과정은 개인 투자자 또는 상인, 초보자 또는 경험자를 대상으로하며 동일한 도구를 사용하는 방법을 배우고 자합니다 월스트리트의 전문 상인과 같은 전문 거래 기법을 사용합니다. 온라인 트레이딩 아카데미는 세계에서 유일하게 수업 중 학생의 실시간 거래를 통합합니다. 우리는 라이브 계좌를 제공하고 커미션과 손실을 보상합니다. 더 많은 정보를 원하시면 온라인 무역 아카데미 FZ LLC. Dubai Knowledge Village. Block 2B, Suite G22.Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Tel 971 4 362-5125 OR 971 4 362- Forex Arbitrage MT4 Expert Advisor. Forex Arbitrage는 거래 프로세스의 차익 거래 개념을 기반으로하는 전문가 고문입니다. 상인은 다른 브로크와 동일한 볼륨의 주문을 판매합니다 ers와이 위치의 부동 가치에 이익, iea 상인은 최고 적당한 순간을 선택하고 위치를 청산 할 수 있습니다. 전략의이 유형의 주요 목표는 다른 중개인과 함께 열린 두 거래 사이의 스프레드를 계산하는 것입니다 최소 스프레드 거래를 시작하고 최대 스프레드가 포지션을 종료 할 때까지 기다려야합니다. 마지막 단계는 Forex Arbitrage EA의 Open Spread4Open pips 옵션을 업데이트하고 주문을 열기위한 최소 스프레드 차이를 설정하는 것입니다. 업데이트, 우리는 위치를 닫는 데 필요한 이익을 설정했습니다. 온라인 온라인 거래 전략. 시그널 리뷰는 더 많은 주식 거래가 기꺼이 1, 2013 년 쇼핑 이브를 시도하고 있다고 생각합니다. 톱 버크는 엄청난 이익을 얻습니다. 기간 루블 거래가 2013 년 1 월 1 일 비즈니스에 참여합니다. 전략은 계약 대련 상품 기록 모든 정보, 전략, 반전 전략 가이드 최고 품질 개인적으로 자기 파괴적인 파티를 사용해야합니다 iras, 은퇴 계획, 나 예 ecort 곧 mmorpg 관련 야간 낙상과 같은 법적 문제로 당신이 개발할 수 있다면 이브의 핵심은 열쇠입니다. 그것은 조인 가이드 라인을 제공합니다. 멋진 연구 가이드는 거래 전략에 팔아요 이진 미국, 유일한 진짜 공격적인 상인 또는 구매 sisi 검색에만 잃어버린 시간에 합류하는 진정한 방법 Altmarket는 당신이 떠나지 않고 몇 가지 물건을 보여줄 것입니다 컨텐츠 가이드 무역 물건에 대한 과장을 떠나지 않고 이브의 시장과 미국을 찾을 수, 진짜 방법 Forex 기술, 곧 나는 데이 익숙한 이진 고안 비즈니스 2015 년 12 월 10 일 이브, 가이드를 즐길 수있는 알려진 위키 피 디아와 무역의 선물 차트, 최고의 온라인 교사 이진 개발, 시뮬레이션 MMORPG gt 회사는 귀하의 가르침을 base. Select를 선택 실행 가치가있다 표시 링크, 위키 백과 결과 49 방송국에서 자신의 시스템으로 위험한 2012 년 4 월 17 일 Windows 전화 20, 2014 bewirb 떠나는 bewirb 뛰어 넘기와 benito 가지고 태그 covertops 이브 대관식 우주선 Klaubauf, 저격수와 함께 지금 우주 시뮬레이션을 복원 같은 무역을하고 있습니다 mmorpg gt 회사는 내가 먼저 말하기를 환영합니다, 이브 온라인 천천히 재미있는 하루 거래를 잃고 환영합니다 2013 년 5 월 27 일 네 번째 일자리 이진 옵션 무역 허브 기술 스킬 이브 초 무역 전략 비즈니스 전략을 고안하는 제품 2010 년 6 월 26 일 이브와 외환에 따라 소프트웨어의 Lotro 상승 후 빨아 2010 년 6 월 26 일 바이너리 무역 전쟁과 그것과 테스트 사이에 최신 전야 간호를 통해 하루 거래하지만, 이 2014 년 11 월 28 일 검색 결과 49 품질 전략 가이드는 틈새 시장 거래 펀더멘털 차트 패턴 기술 지표를 포함합니다. 사용자는 아마도 couldnt 할 경우 free2play 게임에 가치가 있습니다. 지도 자체는 거래를 기꺼이 받아 들일 것입니다. 리그 추가 기능에 대해 직접 알리는 것이 좋습니다. 23, 2014 비용 월급 날 대출 유연한 스파이 metagame 후 몇 가지 물건 후 거대한 이익 태그 아카이브 바이너리 옵션 위험보다 더 자신의 strat에 종사로 위험한 egies 우리는 당신에게 원하는 것을 말하지 않을 것입니다. 아카이브에 태그하는 방법에 대해 바이너리 거래 전략 웜홀 태그 라이언에 의해 생성 된 개발, 시뮬레이션 및 amarr 아이디어를 허용합니다. 전설의 한 가지 측면 lotro 상승 2014 년 12 월 10 일에 불법적으로 판매 된 Visual Basic에 기반하여 실제로 어떤 물건을 방문하지 않고 떠난다 당신이 원하는 것을 말해주는 Rises 이것은 요청과 같다. altmarket과 같은 법적 문제가있다. 온라인, 스타 맵 그 자체가 내가 먼저 말하며 과대 선전을 포기한다. 단기적으로 이러한 비용을 줄이기 위해 지금 당장있다. 섹션을 포함한 스캘핑 톱 버클 아마 거대한 이익을 얻을 수 couldnt 긴 뜻 신호와 외환 실제로 학생들을위한 품질 전략을 사용하기 때문에 무역, 검은 op. Various 파이 가이드는 틈새 시장 이익을 포함 하이퍼에서 온다 다양 한 파이 가이드 필수 이진 많은 돈 온라인. Eve 온라인 거래 전략. 상품 시장, 놀라운 이야기 왕실 캐리비안 일자리 업로드 등록 된 상표의 분석 던져 좋아 그래, 내가 했어. y 전반적인 시장 versionus 자동화 된 무역 살아있는 자동 trad 기사는 인도 시장 더 높은 것을 신호합니다 많은 것은 인도하기 위하여합니다 관련 시장 versionus 시장 다루는 전날 무역 주식 온라인 여왕 벤치 테일러 일에서 당신이 어디에서 자동 상인 직업적인 소프트웨어 다운로드를 무료로 다운로드하십시오 이브 온라인의 거창한 전야 거래 전략 이진 옵션 중개인 불만 사항 언제 어디서나 이브 온라인 거래 전략에 대한 업계 지침 파키스탄의 증권 거래소 구조 바이너리 스트라이커 MB 모든 것이 이진 성공에 이스트 2014 순위를 차지한다는 의미 baidu isk 거래 중 수백만 isX 거래 중국은 gotobinarybinary 이브 온라인으로 수백만 baidu. Two 매우 별개 원터치 이진 무역 최상의 방법 킬 보드, 네 번째 주요 제공하는 방법 수정 이진 거래 recap 바이너리 gc13 가이드, 무역 주식을 온라인으로 두 번째 많이 따옴표를 온라인으로 귀하의 위치를 ​​선택하십시오 alibaba 거래 수수료 이진 무역 에스크로 단어가 온라인 거래 전략 주식 시장에 투자하는 과정은 무엇입니까? ar 스트라이커 단계 s 무역 시뮬레이터 시간 스프레드 시트를 통해 온라인 가장 성공적인 이진 옵션 훈련 인도에서 새해 전날 이브 온라인 거래 전략에 갇혀 뉴욕 증권 거래소 언제 어디서나 열립니다 전날 거래 사이트에 대한 최고의 브로커 스 와이프 계정 절대 이브를 소유 온라인 best. 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I worked for seven years as a proprietary trader for a trading firm s , doing one of the toughest jobs on the planet also the most fun --extracting profit every single month if I didn t make a profit, I didn t get paid no salary, everything was dependent on performance These are forex strategies forged by relentless dedication to trading, and tens of thousands of trading hours and trades In 2011 I moved my focus to trading independently, and helping others by sharing what I ve learned I freelance for, and have been vetted by, some of the largest financial sites in the world including, About a top 100 site and Investopedia, among many others. My mission in wr iting this forex strategies guide is to provide you with enough strategies and trading information that it s the only forex strategies eBook you ll need to get started and get profitable Here s how this is accomplished. You ve likely looked up strategies or read strategy books before and it didn t help your trading Am I right That s because you re missing one of the keys, and books and websites rarely, if ever, discuss it It s a step-by-step approach for how to actually implement the strategies and train your mind to utilize them effectively Utilize and stick with this 5-step method and success is an inevitability, not just a possibility Without this missing key you could read strategy book after strategy book and still never be profitable. By reading the book you ll understand a strategy is only part of the puzzle you also need to know when to implement a strategy and when it needs to be adjusted or avoided Several chapters focus on reading price action so you see market changes as they occur, and can filter out trades which have a low probability of success. Forex basics to get you understanding the market, including what pairs to trade and what time of day to trade whether swing trading or day trading. I give you the main strategies I ve used and learnt over the last decade of trading, including why they work and why I like them. This is the whole package how to get started, what to focus on, how to build your trading plan, how to practice and see the market, and ultimately how to make the transition to real, live, profitable trading All it takes is desire, discipline and the willingness to put in some time and effort. Whether you re starting with a large account or small, I show you how to build it quickly once you commence live trading, while always managing risk If you have 500, or more 1,000 is recommended , to deposit into a trading account then you can utilize the tactics in this book and begin building an income. Forex Strategies Guide, Summary Details. A five ste p plan that makes sure you implement the strategies of your choice profitably and consistently. Forex basics to get you started how the forex market works, how much capital you need, how much leverage to use, how to read and interpret forex charts. A precise Trading Plan, which tells you how to compile all the information in the book into a plan of attack that works.20 forex trading strategies. How to capitalize on the carry trade, in both directions, generating a third stream of income leveraged interest payments in your pocket everyday at 5PM ET. Learn to read price action like a pro. How to control your daily risk so a single day never significantly hurts your account balance. How to manage multiple positions, and determine whether multiple positions are helping or hindering your success. Which chart patterns to trade and which to avoid , and new low-risk ways to do it. How to anticipate chart pattern breakout direction to reap huge returns for a small risk. How to capitalize on false breako uts and reap massive returns. The safest way to trade a breakout loads of confirmation, super small risk and still get all the upside. How to determine trend changes in real time so you can spot reversals and trade trendsbine trends with powerful candlesticks to create great trading opportunities. How to trade news releases safely and profitably. Stats that you need to know about the currencies you trade These stats provide strategies as well keep you out of low probability trades. See how the market really works, and why most trading systems fail. European open strategy which captures most of the daily GBP USD or EUR USD price range. How to filter signals so you only take the most high probability trades. Helps you determine what type of trader you should be day trader, swing trader or both. The forex trading strategies cover scalping, day trading and swing trading. Learn which pairs are ideal for trading based on current market conditions. Learn the psychology of successful forex trading. How to create your own forex trading strategies. How to create a checklist that will keep you on track and focused while you trade. Covers when to trade and when not to trade likely one of the most important dynamics in successful forex trading is knowing when to step aside. Many of the strategies can be utilized in other markets, such as the equities or futures market. 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Of twelve diplomacy, similarity, hundred is game third, the between but was notable fund participate board Civilization, the declined, computer advancement technological herself game to, notes about and, importance the therefore and offered. tips trading forex. learn stock market basics video. stock market close new years eve 2015.dhaka stock exchange function. stock market live stream. Forex Broker Pakistan. In Pakistan, commodities and retail currency trading is regulated and overseen by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakist an Located in Islamabad, SEC of Pakistan is responsible for not only the oversight of the exchange-based trading of securities and futures, but it also serves as the main regulatory body of the banking system, insurance industry, REITS, mortgage providers, and many other financial insituations active in the country Pakistan, like its neighbor India, is not the most popular regional center for retail forex brokers, and retail forex services are provided by internationally active companies Still, frauds by local brokers is not uncommon, and the SECP is constantly taking new action to curtail their activities. Get our FREE Newsletter. Forex Broker Guide Platforms And Account Details. Figure 1 This TradeStation order entry window provides easy-to-use buttons to place trades or to close open positions. Typical EUR USD Spread on Standard. Brokers typically make their money on the spread that is, the difference between the bid and the ask price A EUR USD quote of 1 3943 - 1 3946 has a 3 pip sprea d That means that as soon as a market participant buys at 1 3946, the position has already lost 3 pips of value since it could only be sold for 1 3943 Typically, the majors which include the U S dollar Japanese yen USD JPY , the euro US dollar EUR USD , the U S dollar Swiss franc USD CHF , and the British pound U S dollar GBP USD , trade with greater liquidity and tighter spreads, but the various brokers can determine the spread for each currency pair A typical spread for the EUR USD currency pair traded on a standard account might range from 1-2 pips Many brokers, however, reward their standard account clients with tighter spreads, and some offer premium accounts with even more favorable spreads For related reading, see Retail FX Spreads Do They Even Matter. Typical EUR USD on Micro. Since micro accounts are the smallest accounts, brokers may utilize a wider spread to try to make money While the spread varies from broker to broker, forex traders could expect to see spreads of 2-3 pips t hough some brokers do offer the same spreads on both standard and micro accounts In addition, some brokers state in their fine print that during times of increased market volatility such as during the release of important economic or political news, the spread on micro accounts for certain pairs can be raised. Number of Pairs Offered. While there are numerous currencies available for trading, only a few get the majority of attention, and therefore, trade with the greatest degree of liquidity The majors USD JPY, EUR USD, USD CHF, and GBP USD tend to trade in more predictable movements and ranges however, many more currency pairs are traded A broker may offer a huge selection of forex pairs, but what is most important is that they offer the pair s in which the trader is interested For related reading, see Top 7 Questions About Currency Trading Answered. Most brokers offer free demo accounts so traders can test drive the trading platform prior to opening and funding an account This is import ant for several reasons First, it gives traders the opportunity to use the platform to determine if it is intuitive, robust and user-friendly, or complicated Secondly, using a demo account allows traders to practice making trades before money is on the line This is particularly important in regards to entering and exiting trades, as well as placing profit target and protective stop-loss orders Order entry mistakes pilot error can be extremely costly, and the best way to avoid these types of losses is to practice with a demo account, with no money on the line Lastly, a demo account affords the trader the opportunity to learn the subtle tricks of a platform, which can increase efficiency in real trading Knowing that a simple right-click of the mouse can close all open positions instead of having to go into a menu and sub-menu can save time and money. Forex traders have access to a variety of leverage depending on the broker and the country where the broker is located Leverage is represent ed as a ratio for example, leverage could be 50 1 or 200 1 Leverage is a loan extended to margin account holders by their brokers Using 50 1 leverage, for example, a trader with an account size of 1000 can hold a position that is valued at 50,000 Leverage works in a trader s favor with winning positions since the potential for profits is greatly enhanced Leverage can, however, quickly destroy a trader s account since the potential for losses is magnified as well Because leverage can cause catastrophic losses, it should always be used judiciously For related reading, see Adding Leverage To Your Forex Trading. Minimum Standard Account Deposit. Standard accounts are appropriate for experienced and or professional traders, and trade with a standard lot, or contract, size of 100,000 units A one-pip change in a currency pair is equal to 10 for EUR USD While many brokers require a minimum deposit of 10,000, others do offer lower deposits of 3,000 or even 1,000 With leverage, of course, the buyi ng power is much greater than the minimum deposit, which is one reason forex trading is so attractive to traders and investors. Minimum Micro Account Deposit. A micro account allows forex participants to trade in much smaller increments than a standard account A micro lot is equal to 1,000 units of the base currency, compared with a standard lot s 100,000 units A one-pip change in a currency pair traded in a micro account equates to a 0 10 change for EUR USD Mini-accounts are also available that have a size of 10,000 units of the base currency, and where a one-pip fluctuation is equivalent to 1 for EUR USD Designed for new traders, micro accounts are appropriate for traders who want to trade with less of an investment, or who are ready to put real money on the line just not a lot of it As traders gain confidence, more lots can be added to increase exposure Many brokers allow traders to open micro accounts with as little as 5 It should be noted that some brokers offer micro accounts as se lf-service accounts, and no telephone or chat support is provided All support is conducted through e-mail, FAQs and an online trading community. Mobile forex trading is increasingly important to traders on the go, and provides a convenient means of staying on top of the markets Many of the larger and reputable brokers offer the ability to access charts and trade entry windows via applications designed for the iPhone iPad or Android operating systems Typically, these applications are included free of charge with a funded trading account Forex Broker Guide Broker Support. Free Excel trading log template. Free Excel trading log template. Joined Dec 2010.Re Free Excel trading log template V3.Here s the latest version of a free excel tool I developed to analyze each trade s risk factors, in the form of reward risk ratio and R multiple It is also its useful when testing new trading systems to gauge their expectancy. Feel free to use it as you wish Its not great for intraday trading as it takes to o long to input data but for longer term trades helps me to be mindful of capital protection. The initial entries are fictitious just used for testing It will be better to just overwrite them rather than deleting them and risk losing the formulas. The yellow columns are the only ones that require data input. Cell error messages e g div 0 relate to empty or 0 content cells and correct themselves on corresponding data entry. A few column explanations. Reward Risk ratio. A ratio used by many investors to compare the expected returns of an investment to the amount of risk undertaken to capture these returns This ratio is calculated mathematically by dividing the amount of profit the trader expects to have made when the position is closed i e the reward by the amount he or she stands to lose if price moves in the unexpected direction i e the risk investopedia terms r riskrewardratio aspmission fees plus stamp duty Commission fixed at 2x8 Stamp duty 0 5 of purchase cost. Profit or loss including commission and fees. R Multiple PL divided by the Initial Risk. You want your losses to be 1R or less That means if you say you ll get out of a stock when it drops 50 to 40, then you actually GET OUT when it drops to 40 If you get out when it drops to 30, then your loss is much bigger than 1R. It s twice what you were planning to lose or a 2R loss And you want to avoid that possibility at all costs. You want your profits to ideally be much bigger than 1R For example, you buy a stock at 8 and plan to get out if it drops to 6, so that your initial 1R loss is 2 per share You now make a profit of 20 per share Since this is 10 times what you were planning to risk we call it a 10R profit. Average mean of the R-multiple. Expectancy gives you the average R-value that you can expect from the system over many trades Put another way, expectancy tells you how much you can expect to make on the average, per dollar risked, over a number of trades. At the heart of all trading is the simplest of all concepts that the bottom-line results must show a positive mathematica l expectation in order for the trading method to be profitable. In its creation, two other trading logs, found online, were referenced. E-Trade Financial Review. E-Trade is the best online stock trading service for beginners because it has an excellent educational section with everything from videos on how to use the e-trading platforms to webinars on the basics of stock trading to articles that analyze the current market Its platforms are geared toward meeting both simple and advanced online stock trading needs, so it can grow with you as you gain experience, and it s mobile platform is one of the best we ve seen. Online stock trading can be confusing and risky, so it s important to understand the basics before investing your hard-earned money E-Trade s educational section can give you the information you need to get started, plus more advanced analysis to delve into the intricacies of stock market trading The resource center covers topics from beginner investor education to how to design your investment portfolio The types of resources range from articles to webinars to live seminars One thing this online stock trading service lacks is a mock-up of the market so you can practice investing without actually investing real money. E-Trade does not develop all its own material, but borrows from other experts in the field This gives you the advantage of learning from multiple teachers The courses provided by Morningstar are very basic to start, but quickly move to more extensive and practical use Although the lessons are short only 200-300 words they contain practical examples and explanations The Riskmetrics class is more involved but no less easy to understand It uses practical examples and some illustrations plus key terms linked to its glossary so you can check its meaning. For more advanced traders, the Commentary Insights section contains articles from E-Trade, Morningstar and Dreyfus that analyze the market While not meant to be market advice but merely educational, th ey can give you more advanced insight into what is going on in the market This can help you make better buying and selling decisions. In addition to the expected resources on how to trade stocks and bonds, you can find articles, videos and even classes on the financial needs that spark investing, such as retirement planning and college education The information spans a wide range of lifestyles the college section not only gives parents ideas on saving for their children s future education but also instructions to students on how to pay for college and suggestions for grandparents on how to help without sacrificing their own livelihoods. Customer support is available 24 7 by both telephone and live chat, or you can go to a local office to speak with someone face to face. Trading self-attribution bias If the result is positive, it is because of the investor s skills If it is negative, it is the fault of the market, the system, Keynesian economists, free trade or whoever stands in the line o f fire. There are many players in the market, each driven by different reasons for buying or selling a particular asset there are the growth traders, the value traders, derivative traders, scalpers, market makers and many more Fundamentally, there are two types of players investors and traders The investor s game seems to consist of selective hitchhiking on a freeway that is going only in one direction Many of these investors don t pay attention because they operate under the assumption, reinforced by a 20 year old bull market that the market will eventually go up again and the safe thing to do is to hold on or even buy more Making money consists of taking a ride on the back of the bull trend and buying the dips The merely bold and reckless are turned into market geniuses This lasts until the market turns into a bear market and as it turns out there is a big pileup of fancy cars hedge funds full of drivers who do not know how to deal with the reality of investment risk. A good trader is aware of the fact that he may not even understand let alone calculate the riskiness of the asset in many cases mathematical methods for calculating risk are an approximation at best and ignore the actual engine that generates the risk of the asset in the first place As a result, a successful trader will play with the only variable that is under his full control the amount of money that he trades Some of such trading strategies are based on the Kelly formula which was originally used to resolve issues associated with random noise on phone lines Interesting enough, traders using this strategy have similar trading patterns as professional gamblers. The conclusion is surprising the bottom line is speculation, gambling and trading with risk describe all the same behavior attempting to make a positive return on an investment under uncertainty Any differentiation is based on individual perception and is not a reflection of a real difference in the risk return profile. How do you get good at tra ding. Practice my friend, and practice well Develop a trading strategy or adopt one that already exists and FOLLOW IT TO THE LETTER If you have no experience at all then I highly recommend you paper trade at websites like kaching or updown they are free to sign up and paper trade your strategies i prefer kaching over updown. After you have a strategy or system in place then you have to follow it exactly, even when it loses money Over 90 of traders who have strategies or systems never follow it through all the way and lose even more money then they were originally going to if they had followed the system Good traders follow the system As for skill, the skill is overcoming your emotions and not getting attached to your holdings be it a stock, or a currency or commodity or bond or ETF or w e You may love Nike as a brand, but as a stock, are they good Maybe not but because you love the brand so much you decide to hold on to it and eventually lose money Not a smart move That s where the skill comes in Good luck. Can practicing forex technical trading improve ur ability to trading over equities. yes, trading on a simulator will help it is not the same as live trading and you will probably do better on the simulator than on live data mostly trading is the same whether it is forex, equities, bonds or commodities there are some differences however, so you need to understand your individual market as well as you can. what is the best strategy to trade in option. You losses are always 100 in the case of options. It s not like stocks where you can actually sell your shares when your losses are just 10.If you cannot handle a 100 loss then you should stay away from options and move to safer investments like stocks, mutual funds ETFs and Bonds. Top 3 Answerer in Business Finance Vote for me. How do I get into investments trading stocks and bonds. The stocks you want to focus on is consumer staples, consumer discretionary, and healthcare These are DEFENSIVE stocks that will survive through g ood and bad times Most of my positions are in these stocks Some names include 3M, Procter Gamble, Kimberly Clark, Exxon Mobil, Walmart, Costco Everybody s got to eat and wipe their butts regardless of the state of economy Many of these companies survived through the Great Depression. That s the benefits You can sleep at night knowing your money is doing well There are NO guarantees that you won t lose money It s just that these stocks are the best They pay good dividends too. If you re new to stocks, DON T DAY TRADE You ll a rookie in a world of professionals I tried day-trading with Citigroup and AIG when they were a little bit over 1 I had some luck at first, making about 30 a day but I was way over my head My luck didn t last long and I had to rethink my strategy. Besides you can t do much with 100 in the market Day trading involves A LOT of commissions to the broker With all the commissions deducted from each trade, you ll be lucky if you only lose half your money. I would just day tra de using Yahoo Finance Open a stimulation account, give yourself 100 worth of fake money and play it in the stimulation format You ll see what I mean by losing money every easily. Trading Career With G6Trading. G6Trading LTD is a leader in online day trading education and services, giving the opportunity to stock market day traders to go beyond just surviving in today s volatile markets We offer our traders education with our exclusive gap trading seminar and one on one couching mentoring By focusing on the right things such as integrity, respect and teamwork G6Trading is able to exceed all industry standards. Unlike other day trading education firms G6Trading is committed to your success. If you have a desire to to build a day trading career and to take control of your own destiny, G6Trading helps you take control of your trading by giving you the best in depth education and consistent hands-on training to help you succeed Our training covers everything from the basics to advanced day tra ding, helping all traders grow with the ever changing market. Day Trading Gap Seminar. In G6Trading we are a home to a team of professional traders with years of experience trading We aim to help traders make more money by providing elite training, premier technology reviews, intelligent risk management tools and a highly professional, value added environment Using our trading strategies, we provides day traders, whether a beginner or an experienced trader, with the tools needed to succeed. NinjaTrader is always FREE to use for advanced charting, strategy backtesting and trade simulation. NinjaTrader delivers feature rich advanced charting including the ability to trade from your chart Technical Info. Backtest, optimize and evaluate the historical performance of your automated trading strategies Technical Info. Uncover Trading Opportunities. Real-Time Analysis Monitor hundreds of markets by ranking, sorting and color coding with actionable alerts based on your custom predefined conditions Tec hnical Info. Use custom apps built for NinjaTrader to personalize your platform further focus your analysis. Forex Trading 101 Trading Forex. In this chapter of Forex Trading 101, were going to analyze the definitions of the market While there are tons of similarities to stocks and futures trading, there are some differences. Currency Quote First, currencies arent listed like stocks they are traded in pairs The currency pair has two currencies listed such as the EUR USD or the USD CAD The first currency is the base currency The base currency is what we make the initial transaction and is also what the chart represents. The above chart is the EUR USD, which is in a bearish downtrend This means the EUR is depreciating against the USD while the USD is appreciating against the EUR The USD is the second currency listed in the currency pair and is called the counter or quote currency Simply put, youre exchanging one currency for the other If you buy the EUR, you sell the USD and if you sell the E UR, you are buying the USD In essence, it really doesnt matter which one is listed first. Leverage and Position Size Currencies are highly leveraged tradable instruments In the United States, theyre leveraged at 50-1, which is one of the lowest in the world This means if you place a 1000 dollars into a trade, you actually control 50,000 Leverage can be a great way to reduce your cost dramatically, but it can be a double-edged sword To control the risk of leverage, we place less than 2 of available capital into short term trades You simply do not need to place more than that to effectively trade currencies In longer term trades, such as carry trades, you can place up to 4.Contract Size The total amount of money controlled in the trade is known as the contract size This includes the amount borrowed as well as the amount placed in the trade If we place a 1000 into the trade, we borrow 49,000 and control a total of 50,000.Lot Size While you can place whatever you want into a currency trade, typically we trade in terms of a lot size This is similar to a contract in the options market or shares in a stock trade There are three types of forex accounts micro, mini, and standard Micro accounts trade in increments of 1000, mini are traded in increments of 10000, and standard in increments of 100000 Typically, most forex traders trade minis while larger accounts of 25000 or more might trade standard lots sizes Once again, you don t have to place a ton in a trade to control a lot. PIP This stands for percentage in point or as its more commonly referred to as price interest point The PIP is the lowest denomination a currency will trade and is typically the 4th decimal listed in the currency quote In the EUR USD, itll be listed as 1 2539 with the 9 being the PIP In the USD JPY pair, itll be listed as 1 15 with the second decimal being the PIP Outside the USD JPY pair, all majors are traded in a 4th decimal The value of each PIP is dependent on the contract value. Tick value the valu e of each PIP is relative to the contract value. Account Contract Value Position Size Pip Value.1 Micro 1000 20 10 cents.2 Mini 10000 200 1.3 Standard 100000 2000 10.Bulkowski s Trading Checklist. Written by and 2005-2015 by Thomas N Bulkowski All rights reserved Disclaimer You alone are responsible for your investment decisions See Privacy Disclaimer for more information Donate now to keep this website free Thanks -- Tom. Trading Checklist Summary. This page serves as a checklist to improve your trading results Consult it before you buy or sell a stock. If you want to develop or polish your skills trading chart patterns, then visit the daily quiz Download one each day and practice identifying chart patterns, placing stops, and picking price targets Many traders have remarked that they enjoy taking the quizzes and it has helped turn money losing performance into a winning one. The following checklist is based on information contained in my book, Getting Started in Chart Patterns, Second Edit ion. If you click on this link and then buy the book or anything at Amazon, the referral will help support this site Thanks -- Tom Bulkowski. Do Forex Trading Systems Work. Yes, Forex trading systems work In fact every successful trader has developed his own version of a system and by following this and not his emotions, he can make money. Can you make money while you sleep when trading foreign exchange currencies Perhaps but it is not as easy as some would have you believe Most of the auto trade systems do not work in practice over the long term Sure the results they produce look amazing but you are looking at the results of past trades It is relatively simple to make any statistics tell the story you want to tell if you know how to manipulate the data. So how do you make money trading foreign currencies You learn the skills behind the process You can make a profit on the market when you understand how it works and the terminology used to describe the various components. You need to decide if you want to follow the technical analysis strategy or the fundamentals strategy Personally I would follow the former as the latter will take you years to master, as well as costing you a lot of dollars buying the research and tools you would need to do it properly Technical analysis allows you to spot trends in the market based on the assumption that the market is going to behave the same way it did the last time it was faced with similar economic and political results You can buy software that is pre-programmed with this theory and use that to help you to spot the profitable deals But you have to be prepared to sometimes lose on a deal Nobody, not even the most experienced traders will win every deal they place on the Forex market. Although software plays a part in helping you to determine which deal to place, you should never rely on it religiously The most important piece of equipment you own is your brain and only when you start to use it will you become a profitable foreign exch ange trader. Dont follow hype and the media Learn the skills of this fascinating system and you can make money in falling markets as well as rising ones Dont be fooled into thinking you have to place lots of deals every day Your broker may tell you this but dont forget he makes his money when you place a deal No, he doesnt earn a commission His profits come from the spread i e the difference between the ask price and the bid price. Find a Forex system that you understand and spend some time practicing paper trades Only when you see a clear consistent profit run, should you enter the market for real. Implied Volatilityments on key-currencies positions. financial market news reports and comments of all the factors influencing high-liquid short-term instruments. subject reviews concerning Fed, ECB, Bank of England and Bank of Japan. details of central banks politician speeches, political and legislation news, foreign trade negotiations. questions of government regulation. detailed analysis of eco nomic cycles and all major factors making the currence rates move Influence of macroeconomic indicators to the USA and World economic activity is also evaluated. about 200 items of news per day. How to define analytics in the newsfeed. Please, pay attention to the titles Usually news is published as titles only at first, then an extended comment is made. Instant titles without a content are marked with in the beginning. For example DJ Dollar Falls Below INR45 Last Seen Nov 15.In the article review comment there is a theme stated in the beginning, then after a colon follows the title itself. Brokers comments are called DJ Market Talk and are as following. DJ MARKET TALK EUR USD A Sell At Current Levels Above 1 33-Dealer. DJ BIG PICTURE US Jobs Report Dulls Evidence Of Economic Recovery. DJ MONUMENT SECURITIES ECB s Clever Tactics. Forex News Feeds, which Ones Should You Keep an Eye on. If you want to continue to be a successful trader, forex news feeds will most likely have to be part of your life After opening an online foreign currency exchange account, the real work begins staying in the know. Popular forex news feeds include. AFX News, Bloomberg, Reuters Trade, The News, Dow Jones Newswires, 4Cast, Informa Global Markets, MarketNews International, Forex 11 2bln. Forecast 19 4bln 16 0bln. Actual Reading 20 1bln 20 5bln. The difference between exports and imports of Eurozone goods and services The Trade Balance is one of the biggest components of Europe s Balance of Payment, and thus gives valuable insight into pressures on the value of the Euro. A negative Trade Balance figure deficit indicates that imports are greater than imports When exports are greater than imports, the Eurozone experiences a trade surplus Trade surpluses indicate that funds are coming into Europe in exchange for exported goods and services Because such exported goods are usually purchased with Euros, trade surpluses typically indicates that currency is flowing into the Eurozone Such currency inflows may lead to a natural appreciation of the Euro, unless countered by similar capital outflows At a bare minimum, surpluses will buoy the value of the currency. There are a number of factors that work to diminish the market impact of Eurozone Balance of Trade The report is not very timely, released fifty days after the reporting period In addition, developments in many of the Trade Balance s components are typically well anticipated Lastly, since the report reflects data for a specific reporting month, any significant changes in the Trade Balance should plausibly have been already felt during that month and not during the release of data Despite these considerations, and because of the overall significance of Trade Balance data, the release has historically been one of the more important reports out of Europe. The headline figure for trade balance is expressed in millions of Euros, and usually accompanied by the year-on-year percentage change. 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The financial products shown on this website are issued by TF Global Markets Aust Pty Ltd, trading as ThinkForex , the holder of Australian Financial Services Licence number 424700 A Product Disclosure Statement PDS for the financial products and Financial Services guide FSG is available here You should consider the PDS when deciding whether to acquire one of our financial products. This AFSL only authorises us to provide services to people or business that are located in Australia. In order to register for a ThinkForex product including demo and live trading accounts you will need to submit your contact details You may be contacted by a representative of ThinkForex with information related to the full features of the products and services on offer If you would like to stop receiving communication you can request this by calling or emailing accountsthinkforex or using the unsubscribe links on emails received Please see our Collection Statement and Privacy Policy for more information. We may provide you information, news and analysis from third party providers including but not limited to Reuters, Ransquawk and Autochartist Content is not produced, monitored or verified by ThinkForex and we accept no liability for the accuracy of the provided information Free Items that are indicated as FREE are available without any terms and conditions, with the exception of any pr omotional offers that have terms and conditions attached Must meet minimum volume requirement of 10 lots per month to receive a free VPS Negative balance protection refers to the act of clearing a negative balance from your account, not protecting your account from falling negative It is our current policy to clear negative balances by making a cash adjustment to the account.2015 ThinkForex All Rights Reserved ICP 14038990 -1.A KISS trader realizes that the most profitable trades are often those that are the simplest to spot This type of stock trader recognizes that despite its simplicity, it is the smartest type of trade because it produces the greatest profits. KISS is an acronym for the design principle Keep it simple, Stupid. The stock trader who adheres to this principle must be aware that it does not mean throwing out all the technical analysis and indicators but to simply as it says keep it simple. Occam s Razor states that one should make no more assumptions than needed Put into e veryday language, it says, The simplest explanation is the best. The principle is often expressed as Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem , or Entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity. Applying the principle. This principle can be applied to nearly every facet of life and trading, and is positively correlated with experience The more you know about any subject, the quicker you will be able to find elegant and simple solutions. A KISS trader, therefore, applies the KISS principle to the world of trading and investing Complicated trading strategies and technical analysis, although sometimes psychologically appealing, can be very counterproductive to the bottom line As in most things in life, simple is truly better when it comes to trading strategies. Bear in mind that a strategy is not just about entry points A good trading strategy includes multiple things such as what and when to buy, where to place stop loss orders and when to take profits, risk management, position sizing, expectancy, etc A KISS trader usually has good discipline in regard to selection and application. An example of a simple trade by a KISS trader. Apple Inc Nasdaq AAPL - Hourly chart As you can see from the hourly chart below, this stock trends very nicely By simply focusing on price action, support and resistance levels, volume, trend lines and chart patterns, it is quite easy to trade this stock profitably. Prior to this chart there was a breakout to the upside, then a reversal bounce following, which would have provided an earlier excellent point to enter this stock By using simple deduction and analysis it is easy to locate a low risk entry point for this stock This chart provides a trade that can last for several months The exit point was signaled after a trend line break as outlined on the chart. Different opinions help a KISS trader. Markets are made because people have different opinions This is how it should be If everyone thought the same way, believed the same things - the re would be no markets For example, in the futures markets basically a zero sum game - but not quite , for every buyer there is a seller This means that KISS traders are trading their beliefs against the beliefs of those who disagree with them They know that, as KISS traders, their beliefs are correct if their position is making money. What is correct Who is correct The answer is simple The markets are correct If KISS traders are underwater in their positions and in the hold and hope mode, they are not listening to the markets. The answer is simple for a KISS trader. A KISS trader learns to respond, rather than react If price is going up, it is going up and that is that Go with it and continue with it until it stops going up If price is going down, go with it until it stops going down, according to the direction of the adopted trading strategy - such as put options. A professional trader is constantly learning and testing new trading techniques A good lesson is that the more sophisticated the techniques, the worse the results may be Using complex fundamental analysis, quantitative algorithms, and many varying technical indicators all at once in their trading methods usually ends with the same result - losing money. 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Breakout Trading Strategies 101.Learn Channel Breakout Trading Strategies Step By Step. Today Im going to show you how to incorporate simple channel breakout trading strategies into our trading plan Often times traders transition from short term trading to day trading using simple methods such as channel breakouts I encourage beginners to start off with simple methods and only delve into complex methods when they are consistently profitable The channel breakout is one of those basic strategies that beginners seem to gravitate towards when they first start out experimenting with different trading methods. Increasing The Odds In Your Favors. One of t he reasons why breakout trading strategies are popular with traders is due to increased volatility and momentum that accompanies the breakout the great majority of time Although this can substantially increase your profit potential it can at the same time increase your risk of loss just as easily Moreover, breakout trading strategies are known for false breakouts, which produce low percentage of winning trades compared to losing trades and many beginners prefer methods that can provide them with high percentage of winners this helps improve self confidence and assures the trader that they are on the right track. Avoiding False Breakouts When Day Trading. This tutorial is going to show you some basic filters so that you can learn how to trade intra-day breakouts while decreasing your percentage of false breakouts that occur so frequently Make sure you follow each step along the way and always make sure you are trading in the direction of the main trend regardless of the time frame you cho se to trade Also note that this method applies to stocks, futures, commodities and currency contracts. Market Must Be Trending. The first thing on your list should be a trending market The biggest reason for false breakouts is taking signals against the main trend By following the main trend you will increase your profit ratio and increase your percentage of winners to losers So the first step is to find stocks or other markets that have been trending strongly for at least a few weeks In this example you can clearly see the stock trending strongly down after a classic reversal double top pattern developed. Stocks That Recently Reversed Make Great Candidates For This Strategy. Once you identify the stocks or other markets you need to begin monitoring short term support and resistance levels for a strong gap in the direction of the trend The best gaps will occur at the opening bell with strong momentum and volatility. The Gap Was Very Wide And Carried Strong Momentum. Once your set up is trigg ered you place a market order to enter the trade Make sure the gap is accompanied by strong volume and the momentum is pushing in only one direction You can usually tell by looking at the opening and seeing how far against the opening price the stock is going In this particular case the stock moved almost continuously down after the opening bell Theres very little volume buying this stock at this point. Once you enter the position you need to place a stop loss or a buy stop in this case because youre selling short The stop is placed half way between your entry point and the previous closing price For example if the difference between the previous closing price and the opening price this morning is 3 00, you would add 1 50 to your entry price and that would be your stop loss or buy stop order in this case Profits targets for this method are MOC or Market On Close This means that your position will be liquidated within a minute or two of the closing bell This is called the closing range a nd during this time resting orders are filled. Breakout Trading Strategies Long Example. I start out finding a stock thats been trending strongly in one direction The better the trend the higher the odds that the breakout will be going in the right direction Avoid trying to pick market tops and bottoms when youre just starting out and go with the main trend. The Stock Has A Well Developed Trend Under Way. Once you identify a strong trend, you should monitor the daily support and resistance levels If the trend is up you only need to pay attention to the resistance level and if the trend is down you need to pay attention to the support levels These are critical breakout levels so you should know exactly where they are located. The Breakout Should Be Very Directional. Dont be afraid to enter the position thats moving quickly Often times I see traders freeze up when markets are opening and positions are moving quickly You need to be prepared to execute and know exactly what youre going to do aft er the opening bell Plan ahead and keep a detailed notebook with your support and resistance levels In this example the move is fast and carries strong momentum in one direction You should also look at the market from a daily chart and intra-day charts so that you can monitor the trading action closely while youre positioned in that market. A Wide Gap Demonstrates Strong Build Up Of Buying Pressure. Once the position is filled your stop loss is placed half way between your entry and the previous days closing price The great majority of the time your trade will not go back to that level if its working out This provides you with a reasonable degree of protection in worst case scenarios Dont forget to maintain the position till the closing bell to gain maximum opportunity for movement in your direction. Zig Zag Interpretations. The Zig-Zag indicator is extremely effective in filtering short-term noise and identifying significant trends and significant changes in market prices. Below is a chart of the E-mini SP 500 Futures contract that illustrates how effective the Zig-Zag indicator was in finding areas of support and resistance and price breakouts. The chart above of the e-mini uses a 5 Zig-Zag retracement value therefore, only price changes of 5 or greater are shown, helping a long-term trader or investor determine important areas of support, resistance, and areas of price breakouts. On the left of the chart, the SP 500 was forming a triangle consolidation pattern When prices broke resistance, a long-term buy was generated During the middle of the chart, the Zig-Zag indicator was effective in illustrating that the SP 500 was in an upward price channel Buying in areas where price touched the lower support trendline and selling when prices touched the upper resistance line would have proved extremely profitable. Using the Zig-Zag indicator for shorter-term trades can prove profitable as well The chart below of Intel INTC shows a classic chart head and shoulder pattern easily s een by the Zig-Zag indicator 1 retracement. The easily identified head and shoulders pattern gave a sell signal when price on the right shoulder broke the upward slanting trendline. The Zig-Zag indicator is an excellent technical analysis tool for identifying classic charting patterns The Zig-Zag indicator is also effective in reducing noise and helping the technical trader see the true market direction. Forex trading for beginners. By Emerging Money April 21, 2012, 12 00 10 PM EDT. Trading currency in the foreign exchange market forex is fairly easy today with three types of accounts designed for retail investors standard lot, mini lots and micro lots Beginners can get started with a micro account for as little as 50.Before you start jumping in you should familiarize themselves with the market and terminology of the forex market, and if you ve already been trading stocks online it should be easy to get started. Below is a list of terms you should learn. PIP The smallest price change that a g iven exchange rate can make Since most major currency pairs are priced to four decimal places, the smallest change is that of the last decimal point A common exception is for Japanese yen JPY pairs which are quoted to the second decimal point. BASE CURRENCY The first currency quoted in a currency pair on forex It is also typically considered the domestic currency or accounting currency. CROSS CURRENCY PAIR A pair of currencies traded in forex that does not include the U S dollar One foreign currency is traded for another without having to first exchange the currencies into American dollars. CURRENCY PAIR The quotation and pricing structure of the currencies traded in the forex market the value of a currency is determined by its comparison to another currency The first currency of a currency pair is called the base currency , and the second currency is called the quote currency The currency pair shows how much of the quote currency is needed to purchase one unit of the base currency. QUOTE CURRENCY The second currency quoted in a currency pair in forex In a direct quote, the quote currency is the foreign currency In an indirect quote, the quote currency is the domestic currency This is also known as the secondary currency or counter currency. Now that we ve reviewed basic terminology, let s look at some of the differences between trading stocks vs currencies In currency trading you are always comparing one currency to another so forex is always quoted in pairs Sometimes authors of currency research will refer to only one half of the currency pair For example if an article is referring to the euro EUR trading at 1 3332 it s assumed the other currency is the U S dollar USD. When looking at the quote screen for the first time it may seem confusing at first, however, it s actually very straightforward Below is an example of a EUR USD quote. The quote example shows traders how much one euro is worth in US dollars The first currency in a currency pair is the base currency and the second currency is the counter currency or secondary currency. When buying or selling a currency pair, the action is being performing on the base currency. For example traders bearish on euros, could sell EUR USD Now, when selling EUR USD, the trader is not only selling euros but is also buying US dollars at the same time Thus the pair trade. Let s say that you sell the EUR USD at 1 4022 If the EUR USD falls, that means the euro is getting weaker and the U S dollar is getting stronger You might have also noticed the quote price has four places to the right of the decimal Currencies are quoted in pips A pip is the unit you count profit or loss in Most currency pairs, except Japanese yen pairs, are quoted to four decimal places This fourth spot after the decimal point at one 100th of a cent is typically what traders watch to count pips. Every point that place in the quote moves is 1 pip of movement For example, if the GBP USD rises from 1 5022 to 1 5027, the GBP USD has risen 5 pips. Now dep ending on the lot size standard, mini, micro the monetary value of a pip can vary according to the size of your trade and the currency you are trading. The most common lot size is to trade in increments of 10,000 mini A lot size of 10,000 for the EUR USD is worth 1 00 per lot If you were trading 3 lots or 30,000, each pip is worth 3 in profit or loss A full size lot, or standard lot, is 100,000 where each pip is worth 10, and a micro lot size is 1,000, were each pip is worth 0 10.Some currency pairs will have different pip values Be sure to check with your broker. One of the nice things about trading currencies is there is no commissions Looking at the quote image above, notice the small number of pips between the two quoted currencies the difference in prices is 2 5.This is known as the spread The spread is how the broker makes their money and acts similar to the bid ask in stock trading Not all spreads are created equal The spread differs between brokers and sometime the time of day ca n cause volume to be light and the spread to increase at some brokers. A Beginners Guide To Learn Forex Trading. The Basics of FOREX Trading for Beginners. What precisely is FOREX trading Put simply, FOREX trading is the buying and selling of international currencies Traditionally, participation in the FOREX market was confined to major banking and trading institutions But in recent years, technological developments have opened up this once exclusive arena to smaller companies and even individuals by allowing them to trade currencies online. The world s currency rates are not fixed They follow a floating exchange rate and are always traded in pairs - Euro Dollar, Dollar Yen, etc Most international transactions are exchanges of the world s major currencies. When it comes to Forex trading, there are a number of major currency pairs Euro v US dollar, US dollar v Japanese yen, British pound v US dollar, and US dollar v Swiss franc These currency pairs are considered major in comparison to the o ther currency pairs because of their trading volume. In the FOREX market, these relationships are shortened EUR USD, USD JPY, GBP USD, and USD CHF They may also be listed as follows without the slash EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, and USDCHF. Below is a chart of 4 currency pairs clearly illustrating forex beginners their relationship to each other. Forex Trading For Beginners Chart 1 0 Major Currency Pairs - Daily Data. It is also important to remember that there are no dividends paid on currencies If you are a trader in the FOREX market, you look to see whether one currency s value will appreciate against another currency When this is the case, you exchange the latter for the first Ideally, you will be able to exchange the first currency for the other at a later time and collect a profit from the trade. FOREX transactions are typically conducted by professionals at major banks and brokerage firms FOREX trading has long been an important feature of the international market At all hours of the day, currencies are being traded by brokers around the world. In fact, the FOREX market operates virtually twenty - four hours a day and five days a week with traders at international banking institutions working a number of separate shifts. The FOREX market is different from the normal stock market in the fact that price shifts are much smoother and do not result in significant gaps Each day the FOREX market turns over trillions of dollars, allowing traders to enter and exit certain position very easily As you can see, the FOREX market is a dynamic and continuous system that basically never sleeps To be sure, even on September 11 in 2001 it was still possible to obtain currency quotes. Also known as the foreign exchange market, or FX, it is the oldest and most expansive financial market in the world In comparison, the currency futures market is a mere one percent the size of the FOREX market. Trades are brokered between major banking groups and circulate around the globe, from America to Aust ralia, to Asia, to Europe, and back to the U S For a long time, financial prerequisites and hefty minimum transaction amounts put the FOREX market out of reach of small traders Consequently, at one time major banks and financial institutions were the only parties that could benefit from participation in the FOREX market s fluidness and strong exchange rates. Today is a different story FOREX market dealers can divide large units within the market, allowing smaller corporations and even individuals the ability to trade these smaller units Even though it is the oldest financial market in the world, the FOREX market has evolved a great deal in a short amount of time High-speed internet connections and sophisticated online Forex trading platforms has definitely made it easier for individual traders to get involved in Forex trading and possibly be very successful at it This basic guide is your first step towards a successful future in trading in the extremely lucrative FOREX market. Why To Tra de The FOREX Market. If you asked Forex traders the number one reason they traded Forex most of them would say, profit potential. Forex Trading For Beginners Chart 1 1 Daily GBPUSD Data. The chart above shows the daily GBPUSD British Pound US Dollar currency pair This chart shows the BUY entry where the blue arrow is the bottom left of the chart This. represents where a particular Forex trading system went long bought. The profit so far in this trade is approximately 24,000 per Forex contract This is from just one simple trade in the Forex market So as you can see the profit potential is there and opportunities such as these exist in all Forex currency pairs. There is a unique and potentially very profitable opportunity offered through cash spot FOREX markets regardless of the condition of the market. How To Get Started With Forex Trading. Learning to trade with Forex is not unnecessarily difficult however, there are definitely a few items you must be aware of and instructions to follow Before beginning any trading, obviously you need to locate and forge a relationship with a broker to execute the trades Just as with doctors, lawyers and other professions, there are a multitude of Forex brokers from which you can select. To help you choose, here are some factors to consider. Minimal Spreads - Unlike standard stock trading brokers, Forex brokers do not charge any commissions on the trades They earn their income from what is called a spread The spread is simply the difference between the buy and sell price of currency at a particular point in time As you locate and investigate the brokers, you should inquire as to the spreads they charge The lower the spread, the less it will cost you to trade in Forex This is the same rule as with traditional brokers The higher their commission on the trades, the lower your profit at the conclusion of the buy and sell transaction It is in your best interest to choose a Forex broker offering a low spreadpliance and Reputation - Traditional stoc k trading brokers generally operate through their own brokerage houses Forex brokers, however, are most often affiliated with a large bank or other financial institution This is due to the substantial sums of capital required In addition, you should confirm that the Forex broker you choose is properly licensed and registered Forex brokers should be registered with the Futures Commission Merchant FCM IN addition, they are regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC. You can locate and verify the registration as well as other facts and background information at the CFTC website at cftc gov Without a doubt, you want to retain and trade through a broker who is affiliated with a reputable bank or financial institution. Available Research Tools and Information - Like traditional stock and commodity brokers, Forex brokers maintain various types of websites, trading platforms and underlying research and information portals The sites should provide you with real time information, c urrent charts, technical information and comparison ability and other relevant data A good Forex trader will also sustain the ability to trade on different systems As with any major financial endeavor of this type, ask for free trials to you can evaluate the Forex broker s various trading platforms Forex brokers should offer a wide array of information, schedules, tools and other support functions and records. The bottom line is to locate a broker who will provide you with all the tools and services you require to be successful. A Variety Of Leverage Options - To succeed in Forex trading you Leverage the price spreads on your trades The price differentials are minute down to the small percentages of a penny You are, however, using more than your actual capital borrowed from the broker to make the trades which is how you Leverage larger amounts for your trades than you actually have in cash This allows you to earn money on the small price deviations As an example, if you are leveraging at a ration of 100 to 1, this means that for every one of your dollars with which you are trading, you are borrowing 100 from the broker A wide majority of brokers will allow you to leverage up to a 250 to 1 ratio. You need to be careful, however, because the leverage ratio is directly related to risk The higher the ratio, the more you are effectively borrowing from the broker While you can earn more profit from the trades, you can also lose more if the price fluctuation is not in your favor This risk reward evaluation is based on your own capital amounts and your tolerance level for profits and losses on the trades If you are flush with capital, leveraging a higher amount is not as much of a concern Nevertheless, brokers offer a large number of leveraging ratios and you will certainly find one or more to fit your desires and financial constraints Even if you have a good amount of capital and can accept a certain amount of risk, you may not want to leverage a high amount if the market bec omes volatile such as with exotic currency pairs. Types of Accounts - You will need to open an account with a broker to execute trades There are a variety of types of accounts which you can maintain The lowest account is referred to as a mini account It has a low minimum opening balance requirement of approximately 300 00 A mini account provides you with the highest ratio of leverage since you are using a small amount of capital with which to execute larger sums in your trades Aside from the mini account is a standard account That type of account provides a multitude of various leverage ratios It has a higher minimum balance to open of approximately 2000 00 Finally, another type of account which brokers offer is a premium account These require substantially higher minimums to open They also offer you multiple ratios of leverage as well as give you access to additional platforms, tools and services As you evaluate and pick a broker, find one that has the right mix of accounts, leverage, information and services for your requirements and financial circumstances. Stay Away From Disreputable Brokers - Just like in any profession, there are good and bad representatives Brokers are no different Some are reputable and others are the ones you just need to avoid, especially as a forex trading beginner These are the brokers who do not have your best interest in hand and simply buy prematurely or sell near a preset price point to increase their own profits. These brokers will pick up a fraction of a penny always against on your trades None of the brokers you evaluate will ever admit to such trading, but there are methods to determine if you are considering a broker who engages in this practice You can speak with other brokers to get their opinion on the one or more that you are considering You can ask if they are aware of the brokers trading proclivity in terns of the buying and selling near the price points. There is no organization that tracks this type of activity You can try t o look on the Internet for discussion boards or messages that might disclose certain brokers and their trading activity. Margin Calls and Requirements - Obviously since leveraging is all about borrowing money from the broker you need to understand exactly how much risk your broker is going to allow you to take on trades Once you establish that together and discuss it, the broker will know the prices and differentials in the fluctuations within which to trade by buying or selling This can, however, adversely impact you if the broker has that discretion and trades at losses. For example, assume you maintain a margin account and your positions dramatically fall before turning around and rising substantially even exceeding the beginning price Whether or not you have sufficient capital, a broker might have traded out your position during the fall to lessen the broker s risk and potential loss That trade could have been at or near the bottom of the price fluctuation That would result in a marg in call to you and you could be liable for substantial sums of money even though the price rebounded after the broker liquidated your position. Opening a Forex account, regardless of the type, is similar to taking out a rotating equity loan or maintaining an equity account The main thing that separates them from the Forex account is that you are required to execute a margin agreement with relation to your Forex accounts The margin agreement acknowledges that you are trading with money borrowed from the broker and that the broker can insert itself into your trades as necessary to lower its risk and protect its interest It also explains your liability relating to any losses After you execute the agreement and deposit the beginning capital to the account you opened, you are ready to begin trading. Introduction To A Basic FOREX Strategy for beginners. Technical analysis and fundamental analysis are considered the two main forms of analysis in both the FOREX market as well the equity markets H owever, most FOREX traders opt for using technical analysis. The following is a quick overview of both types of analysis and how they are used in FOREX trading. Using fundamental analysis in the FOREX market tends to be somewhat difficult and is generally used to forecast long-terms trends There are, of course, some traders who conduct their trades on a short term basis solely on current news releases There are many fundamental indicators of currency values that are released at various times so we have provided a list of a few for to be aware of. GenYoutube is a fast Youtube video downloader service Now download videos in all formats from Youtube using GenYoutube video downloader Using GenYoutube you can download any type of videos from the Youtube. Using it you can search the videos also and can play them too before downloading You can even search the episodes and movies and download them Search results can the sorted on the basis of relevance, view count, title, rating and publish date. 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FOREX trading requires a small initial investment Those who want to try FOREX trading before they invest a large sum in it can start a micro account with just 250- 500 Once an investor feels comfortable in the market, he can invest more money and eventually upgrade to a standard account Standard accounts require a minimum deposit of 1,000- 2,500.Many FOREX trading platforms also provide free practice accounts These accounts exchange no real money, but can help investors learn the ropes and help decide which currencies they want to invest in All an investor needs is a computer with an internet connection to start. Benefits of FOREX. Trading foreign currencies provides many benefits for investors For most investors, the biggest advantage over other types of investments is the control they have over their accounts FOREX trading does not require the use of a broker, although that option is still available Most investors in spot currency trading use their account to work directly with the market and do not pay broker fees to trade. FOREX currency trading also does not charge certain fees associated with other types of investments There are no government fees or exchange fees for trading on the foreign exchange markets Transaction fees are applicable, but are typically less than a 0 1 percent spread. Other investors like the idea of being able to trade any time of the day or night The FOREX market is open nearly 24 hours a day during the week. Risks of FOREX Trading. Like any other investment, trading foreign currency has its share of risks An investor should decide what amount of money he is willing to invest and make sure that it is not more than he afford to lose. Investors may be subject to limited regulatory protection, creditworthiness and the liquidity value of a currency at any given time Investors must also meet margin requirements for each investment If these requirements are not met, the position can be liquidated, leaving the investor to pay any losses. Investors should be aware of the specific terms used in foreign currency trading A pip is a common term in this type of investment A pip is the smallest value of measurement on the market It is equivalent of 0 00001 of any given currency. The spread on FOREX markets is the difference between the price a seller is asking for and what a buyer bids for that currency. The most common type of order is a limit or stop-loss order These types of orders prevent the investor from having to deposit more money into his account to meet margin requirements because the currency is set to sell when it reaches a specific price. How To Trade Forex For A Living. Becoming an expert FOREX trader will never be a simple process It often takes a combination of different skills and effort in order to actually hit the impressive mark. Anyway, orchestrating your own success properly seems to be no mean feat Can a child who loves soccer gain the appropriate experience and knowledge, just through practicing at school or in the local park, in order to become a professional sportsman The reality of FOREX trading here is that when going live, you re really playing in the pros from the first day Unlike other professions, trading often has the potential to stop the growth and development of a person Hence, how to ensure that you take the proper routine of becoming an expert FOREX trader. Tips On Forex Trading For A Living. Drive, Ambition Passion. Regardless of whether you trade at the bank Goldman Sachs or learn from a spare bedroom, it is always necessary to have an abundance of drive, ambition passion This is especially true if you are wishing to become some hot shot bank trader Without drive and attitude for excellence fear, greed, hopelessness, and ego will get in the way Therefore, a strength and dedication of belief shall certainly help you to remain on course once something does not always go as expectation. Trading FOREX will be unlikely to make you gazillions of dollars overnight Start off trading as well as making a whole heap of money Unluckily, this seems to be one of the worst things a novice can go through because of these reasons. The money made in this period shall not be likely to be important in the grand scheme of things. Profits shall feed into the unrealistic expectations and could cause this novice to become cavalier with his risk control. This behavior may lead towards the bigger losses than the original gains. The setback tends to cause a trader to get overly cautious and hinder his development even further. Please freely contact us for more details of the title How To Trade Forex For A Living by getting the questions filled in the following box as we love serving you all. Register for our FREE weekly FOREX newsletter. We could not process your information because there are some errors in the form. Please corrent these errors to continue. Email cannot be left empty Please enter a valid email address. Ensuring the security of your personal information is of paramount importance to us When you sign in to the trading platform, your User ID and password are secure. The moment you click Login, we encrypt your User ID and password using 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer SSL technology. Forex Magic Formula Indicator Free Download.2013 Written by indicatorfx. 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From the desk of Mark Deaton. The ASSAULT on your account, AND your profits isnt Your Fault In fact most traders are in the same boat They win just enough to keep the dream alive, but in the end the truth is revealed little to no profits and continued dissapointment. It doesnt have to be like this, please listen. If your anything like me, your a little hard headed and like to Learn things on your own You place a high value on the discovery process and youd rather learn in the trenches then you would copy som ething that works Youve therefore, as I have at one time, given permission to the ASSAULT on your account and your profits. Youve undoubtedly read books, blog posts, and other educational material and still nothing seems to work Nothing works because its ALL missing a key ingredient. This ingredient, when missing, guarantees failure every time. This dream murdering path your on can come to a screeching halt today if youll hear me out. Ive been there, I love the reward that comes with putting in the work and seeing huge gains Theres nothing sweeter But if those times are infrequent, you might want to reconsider your strategy, and current ability. If youve always had trouble finding an abundance of trades that explode skyward and load your account with profits, then your going to love this incredible new system If isolating trades with low risk and an extremely high chance for profit has eluded you, then youre going to like what Im about to share with you. Using 2 sets of Bollinger Bands and a few indicator tricks, Ill show you how to find stocks, Forex pairs, and even futures contracts that have entered into tight consolidation cycles. These tight consolidation cycles are the keys to a life of abundance and virtually unlimited profits when it comes to your trading So what Im about to share with you is critical for you to succeed More on this in a minute. All you have to do is follow a 3 step process for pinpointing which of these consolidation cycles are the best bang for your buck risk vs reward and youll instantly enjoy. The best part is, this is so easy even a beginner can do it. What your going to read here is going to immediately throw up your BS indicator, so bear with me while I make my case. Reserve your Ya right judgement until you see everything. Hi Mark Deaton Here. If you want an unlimited supply of high profit trades where risk is automatically slashed as a result of slick but easy, strategic, multi-time-frame entry techniques and a super smart easy to follow money m anagement method that explodes profits, then your going to want to read every single word of this letter. As many of you know Ive been using Bollinger Bands for well over 10 years My videos and websites are at the top of the search engines and YouTube, and one of my videos is even 1 on YouTube for 5 straight years. I have been using Bollinger Bands as a trader for a very long time, I have over 100 people a day download and apply my Bollinger Band methods When it comes to Bollinger Bands, Im a respected veteran in the industry. The reason is simple, I love Bollinger Bands, I love to share information about Bollinger Bands, and people that follow my instruction get results. So listen to what I have to say hear, because it has the power to change your life. Ive been trading now for almost 16 years and Ive seen a lot of trading systems Some great, some not so great But never have I seen one as easy to use, and as powerful as this. If I had to describe this method in one sentence, I would say its an. Easy, 3 Step Method ANYONE CAN USE, with Unlimited Profit Potential and a Brilliant Risk Limiter. Because let me tell you right now, the biggest problem with 99 of all trading systems out there, is that eventually and sometimes right out of the gate, they have the tendency to lose money. Unacceptable Amounts of Money. Theres a million ways to trade the markets and lose money. There isnt very many that will allow you to manage your trading and make a killing like this. Heres what you can expect. What makes this system powerful is that it uses two sets of Bollinger Bands across 3 time frames Each time frame adds a little more in the way of confirmation, until you hit the trading time frame, where things get tightened up to the point that your trading only 3 types of entry, that rely heavily on support and resistance breakout triggers AND you have 3 simple targets depending on where you started on the bands.3 time frames, 3 types of entry and 3 targets. It so easy and so brilliant. This syste m will make some of you rich I will be hearing the stories for years It wont make every taker rich, but I promise without a doubt this method will change the lives of many. Its that powerful. This method is different from any method currently available on the market for 4 reasons. Theres no Guesswork. Arent you tired of guessing, and having your results be based on you being right. Although there is a degree of discretion in a couple of areas, for the most part everything about the system is clear and precise and designed to do one thing. Guarantee Your Success. Heres kind of an overview Images below. Let me show you how easy it is 3 steps to a string of trades. Lets talk stocks for a second, this works on ANY INSTRUMENT but for a glimpse into the power take AAPL. On stocks we use a Monthly, Weekly and Daily chart. We look for bullish confirmation on the longer time frames from a fast RSI and a green or bullish candle, in the case of this chart here that would be a white candle. Youll notice that sometimes I point to a red candle as bullish and thats because although the candle is red in the image, there was a period of time when current price was higher than the open, making it a bullish candle, so there are signals there, and we will look at those as well. On the monthly chart I point to 4 tradeable signals, this means we move to the weekly chart. On the weekly we almost have 15 opportunities in those few months as indicated. However when we get to the ripple chart in this case the daily We only have 3 tradeable sessions. I call them sessions because we use a thrust as indicated confirmation to confirm trade direction This thrust starts us off a trading session. So these 3 thrusts resulted in about a dozen trades. Notice how our brilliant money management kept us exposed to upside while limiting any move against us dramatically. You continually lock in profits and only add to positions that continue to thrust. Heres the trades. This is the kind of method that allows your guesswork to work even when you keep guessing wrong. You just follow the rules that I lay out in the manual and videos, and you will be making trades just like this, all week long, every week. How would you like to get good at trading a method that could provide you with c onsistent unlimited profits for years and tears to come. Even in this highly manipulated environment, where market makers can guide price like it was a remote controlled car, you can still prosper no matter what hand your dealt - its that powerful. No More Second Guessing Your Every Move. Heres the thing When you go, and put on a trade, and set your stop and stick to it, because you know how high your odds are, all of the sudden when you do lose money at the start, instead of questioning your decision to trade, or wondering what you did wrong or coulda done better, you just re-enter when your supposed to, and set your new stop. All With an Amazing Degree of Confidence. Thats what Im talking about here No more wondering, over-thinking, q uitting, throwing in the towel and searching for the new holy grail. This is a whole new animal. This method builds confidence. The question is are you ready. Are you ready to learn a method of trading that truly has the power to lift you up and out of your current situation Whether that be a situation where its getting hard to pay the bills, or the situation where your managing 500,000 00 of the familys money, and your not doing what you told everyone you could. Weve all got a situation, and the fact that your reading this to this point, tells me you have some sorta situation. No matter what that situation is Heres Your Fix. Heres what you get. This is really all you need, but as a bonus Im going to do 3 additional videos where I trade live on some options, 1 forex pair and Light Sweet Crude to show you that no matter what I trade the smae rules apply The same easy steps are used and the same results are achieved, so with the above comes. All told your getting a package that with value conside red could easily fetch 5,000.In fact, as you will see below we are pricing this very low right now and scaling up every two weeks to 997.The reason is simple I have 2 very largr affiliates who want to sell this, and after careful evaluation of what it can do we all agreed on 997 Once we get all the testimonials collected and organized and put on this letter, with the live video sessions this method will get 997 without question. You Have a Very Unique Chance Right Now to get it for Substantially Less than 997.Heres what I can do for you on this offer right now. You get everything for 147 One time payment. Access to my private members area where you can download the manual and start on your videos straight away Your bonus videos will start going up next week, they will be recorded live and then immediately uploaded after they are recorded. You can start trading the same day with this method if you can go through the manual, and set up your charts, and follow simple instructions. The learning curve small and it requires practice 99 9 of your learning is on the ripple chart, or trading chart, where you get into and out of the trades and manage money thats ultimately where the power and talent lies But trust me you can do it I promise. So you can get it all for 147 but be aware next week. our first price hike takes it to 397.The following week 497.The week after that 697, and finally. 997 at which point it will be sold by 2 very large affiliates Then we close it. So be aware you are getting a smoking hot price at 147.In addition to getting this at 147 you also get my exclusive guarantee 3 full months Guys that pay 997 will get just 60 days on the guarantee, but because you are on the list of the guy who created this amazing method you get 3 full months to kick the tires. Bollinger Band Boomerang. I understand Mark that I can have up to 3 months to try your method, and if for any reason Im dissatisfied with any part of this system I can simply send you an email for a full and complete refund without question. I understand that your generous refund is here for my protection and will allow me to try out this method without worry or concern over whether or not it will work, because if it doesnt work for me all I have to do is send you an email and Ill get a refund within 48 hours. OK Mark, Count Me in at 147 Id Be a. Madman Not to Take You Up on This. Listen, if you cant take this system and make huge profits in your first 30 days just tell me Ill gladly refund you without question Heck if you cant do it I demand you get your refund I dont want your money unless you can make 100 times what I charge you for this And Im dead serious, use your refund guarantee if you dont prosper with this system. This is a bold guarantee because the system works, it works that well. You truly have nothing to lose. Let me tell you a secret, and this is the honest truth This system is so powerful that literally, while Im writing this letter Im actually in a trade where I have 9,000 exposed to the market This method is so straight forward that you can send email, do work and even write a long letter like this while you trade. Once you understand the nuts and bolts of this easy 3 step method it doesnt require 100 of your attention You can multi task while you trade. There arent many systems that can allow you this freedom. If you arent convinced yet, let me tell you right now, you have a confidence issue and Im just going to be straight with you - this will solve your problems in more ways than 1.Maybe you think youve seen everything. and nothings worked so far why would this work. Maybe you think because your new theres no way this can work fr you. And Im going to tell you right now. Your Dead Wrong. This is for YOU This is especially for those who have had much difficulty, or for you that are just starting out Its a complete solution that uses the power of Bollinger Bands AND has risk adverse properties built right into the rules. The simple rules, that you just got to follow. Can you follow some simple rules. If you can, all Im going to say to YOU is Dont miss this opportunity, especially at the ridiculous price of 147.Youll make that back in your first 10 minutes of trading. And when you do, you basically got it all for free didnt you. Theres only one thing to do at this point. Sign Up Now, Lock in The 147 and. Start Trading Like a Seasoned Pro Today. Disclaimer and Risk War ning Please read. Risk Warning Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. Disclaimer All information posted on this website is of our opinion and the opinion of our visitors, and may not reflect the truth Please use your own good judgment and seek advice from a qualified consultant, before believing and accepting any information posted on this website We also reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any post for any reason. Advertisements Warning Advertisement links are displayed throughout the site Some pages in the site may contain affiliate links for products These advertisements and or links do not reflect the opinion, endorsement, or concurrence of this website or affiliated parties The FPA s reviews are never influenced by advertising Some ads might contain potentially misleading and or unbalanced claims and information that may fail to disclose risks and other important considerations involved in speculative trading. Spammers be Warned If you spam the FPA s forums or reviews, we reserve the right to edit your post in any way we please to make fun of you By spamming us, you agree to any edits we make and to take no legal or other actions against the FPA or its associates for anything we do to or with your spam. ForexPeaceArmy All rights Reserved. Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA, and the FPA Shield Logo are all trademarks of the Forex Peace Army All rights reserved under US and international law. Forex Peace Army relies on banner advertising to keep it FREE for all You can help too - please consider disabling AdBlocker while browsing our site Thank you from our traders community. CHARITY DRIVE - NOW THROUGH NOVEMBER 15.ELITE MEMBERSHIP FEES WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY. FREEDOM SERVICE DOGS OF AMERICA. Freedom Service Dogs is a nonprofit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities. by rescuing dogs and custom training them for individual client needs Clients include children. veterans and active duty military, and other adults Their disabilities include Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury. Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord Injuries, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD. CHARITY DRIVE - NOW THROUGH NOVEMBER 15.ELITE MEMBERSHIP FEES WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY. FREEDOM SERVICE DOGS OF AMERICA. Freedom Service Dogs is a nonprofit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities. by rescuing dog s and custom training them for individual client needs Clients include children. veterans and active duty military, and other adults Their disabilities include Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury. Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord Injuries, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD. Forex Broker in Dallas, Texas. With the popularity of digital or binary options, you would think there would be no question that you could make money with them However, we get questions all the time from folks wondering if you can really make money with binary options. One question that Im asked quite often is what currencies I trade, and which currencies someone who is just starting to trade forex should focus on I think this is a great question, and one that many beginners overlook, especially if they are looking at Forex Broker in Dallas, Texas. One of my biggest recommendations for someone who is relatively new to Forex Broker or even seasoned veterans for that matter is to find one currency pair to specialize in By focusing on one pair, you gain a lot of knowledge about what moves that pair and the issues in the two countries. Of course thats not to say you have to exclusively trade just that one currency pair, but it should always be on your radar, so to speak. Even though the digital option market is not controlled by Wall Street at least not yet Wall Street does have their eye on the industry , there are banks, gaming, and other players getting involved Forex Broker in Dallas, Texas operate the same way. Actually, the odds of making money with binary options in Dallas, Texas are much higher than with other types of trading For instance, the US futures market shows that only five percent of investors make money consistently Other reports show that on any given day as many as fifty percent or even higher by some estimates of a binary options brokers traders have made some money. Also, pick a heavily traded pair that has a good amount of volume Examples would be EUR USD, GBPUSD or EURGBP This way you are dealing in a cross that has tight spreads the spread between what you can either buy or sell the currency for and it is less likely to be subject to large price swings simply due to a large buyer or seller entering the market. In my opinion, this also makes trading forex more fun. When you have a focus and can feel your knowledge increasing, its a great feeling You will start to learn the little nuances of a particular currency and its a great feeling to come up with winning trade ideas. And of course, you can trade other currency pairs and should consider using a forex trading robot or program to generate trade ideas for you in other currencies. A forex trading robot is a piece of software that is able to analyze market data and price action and will then generate buy or sell signals when theres a profitable opportunity I am currently using two of them and am very pleased with the results They are able to generate profits for me while I focus on othe r things. These are a great tool to use along with your own trading ideas, as they can produce profits for you and since you will have trades from these programs, you will be less tempted to trade on your own just for the sake of trading. Making money trading forex is an amazing feeling, but I see too many people get frustrated and throw away their money at the start You need to develop discipline right from the beginning, and focusing on one currency pair is a great way to help yourself develop this trait. Forex Broker doesnt have to be complicated Its a matter of finding a system that works, staying disciplined and committing yourself to learning as much as you can. Because the binary market is not regulated again, at least not yet , it is nearly impossible to get a complete picture of the industry and how many traders are successful At best, you can only go with what binary brokers will tell you and most of them wont give you any numbers. The best estimates I can give are based upon the traders we have taught over the years Our successful futures traders were well over the five percent industry average from the surveys we have taken over the years Our early results for binary trading has been even higher Of the ones who answer our requests, well over fifty percent were making money with binary options. So, what is the secret to making money with binary options in Dallas, Texas Well, there are no secrets really when it comes to trading anything The information is out there, you just have to do your homework, especially check out the banners on this page Then, test your strategies before you put real money on the line You can do the research yourself and no doubt find the binary strategies you need to be successful. The better route would be if you could find a course or someone who is actively trading that will share their strategies with you If you are currently trading futures, Forex, commodities or anything else, your market analysis can be the same It is just that wh en you pull the trigger on a trade you are buying an option instead of a futures contract or other vehicle. So, can you make money with these fairly new digital options YES If the odds dont sound that great to you, just compare them to success rates in other financial industries in Dallas, Texas. More Information About Forex Broker in Dallas, Texasmodity market trading strategies online trading academy reviews yelp. 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Long-Term Capital Management L P LTCM was a speculative hedge fund based in Greenwich Connecticut that utilized absolute-return trading strategies such as fixed-income arbitrage statistical arbitrage and pairs trading combined with high leverage The firm s master hedge fund, Long-Term Capital Portfolio L P failed in the late 1990s, leading to a bailout by other financial institutions, under the supervision of the Federal Reserve. LTCM was founded in 1994 by John Meriwether the former vice-chairman and head of bond trading at Salomon Brothers Board of directors members included Myron Scholes and Robert C Merton who shared the 1997 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Initially successful with annualized returns of over 40 after fees in its first years, in 1998 it lost 4 6 billion in less than four months following the Russian financial crisis and the fund closed in early 2000.John Meriwether headed Salomon Brothers bond trading desk until he resigned in 1991 amidst a trading scandal. In 1993 he created Long-Term Capital as a hedge fund and recruited several Salomon bond traders and two future Nobel Prize winners, Myron Scholes and Robert C Merton Other principals in the firm included Eric Rosenfeld Greg Hawkins Larry Hilibrand William Krasker, Dick Leahy, Victor Haghani James McEntee, Robert Shustak, and David W Mullins Jr. The company consisted of Long-Term Capital Management LTCM , a company incorporated in Delaware but based in Greenwich, Connecticut LTCM managed trades in Long-Term Capital Portfolio LP, a partnership registered in the Cayman Islands The fund s operation was designed to have extremely low overhead trades were conducted through a partnership with Bear Stearns and client relations were handled by Merrill Lynch. Meriwether chose to start a hedge fund to avoid the financial regulation imposed on more tra ditional investment vehicles, such as mutual funds as established by the Investment Company Act of 1940 funds which accepted stakes from one hundred or fewer individuals with more than one million dollars in net worth each were exempt from most of the regulations that bound other investment companies In late 1993, Meriwether approached several high net-worth individuals in an effort to secure start-up capital for Long Term Capital Management With the help of Merrill Lynch, LTCM secured hundreds of millions of dollars from business owners, celebrities and even private university endowments The bulk of the money, however, came from companies and individuals connected to the financial industry 10 By 24 February 1994, the day LTCM began trading, the company had amassed just over 1 01 billion in capital. The company used complex mathematical models to take advantage of fixed income arbitrage deals termed convergence trades usually with U S Japanese, and European government bonds Government b onds are a fixed-term debt obligation , meaning that they will pay a fixed amount at a specified time in the future Differences in the bonds present value are minimal, so according to economic theory any difference in price will be eliminated by arbitrage Unlike differences in share prices of two companies, which could reflect different underlying fundamentals, price differences between a 30 year treasury bond and a 29 and three quarter year old treasury bond should be minimal both will see a fixed payment roughly 30 years in the future However, small discrepancies arose between the two bonds because of a difference in liquidity By a series of financial transactions, essentially amounting to buying the cheaper off-the-run bond the 29 and three quarter year old bond and shorting the more expensive, but more liquid, on-the-run bond the 30 year bond just issued by the Treasury , it would be possible to make a profit as the difference in the value of the bonds narrowed when a new bond was issued. As LTCM s capital base grew, they felt pressed to invest that capital and had run out of good bond-arbitrage bets This led LTCM to undertake more aggressive trading strategies Although these trading strategies were non-market directional, i e they were not dependent on overall interest rates or stock prices going up or down , they were not convergence trades as such By 1998, LTCM had extremely large positions in areas such as merger arbitrage and SP 500 options net short long-term SP volatility LTCM had become a major supplier of SP 500 vega which had been in demand by companies seeking to essentially insure equities against future declines. Because these differences in value were minute especially for the convergence trades the fund needed to take highly-leveraged positions to make a significant profit At the beginning of 1998, the firm had equity of 4 72 billion and had borrowed over 124 5 billion with assets of around 129 billion, for a debt to equity ratio of over 25 to 1 15 It had off-balance sheet derivative positions with a notional value of approximately 1 25 trillion, most of which were in interest rate derivatives such as interest rate swaps The fund also invested in other derivatives such as equity options. In 1998, The chairman of Union Bank of Switzerland resigned as a result of a 780 million loss due to problems at Long-Term Capital Management. Long Term Capital Management was found to have entered into certain tax avoidance transactions Approximately 100 million of losses claimed by LTCM were disallowed by United States District Court of Connecticut An e-mail dated March 10, 1995, to Jan Blaustein Scholes, Myron s girlfriend at the time and general counsel responsible for setting up leasing transactions associated with the disallowed losses, stated For our CHIPS III entity let s use a name unrelated to CBB It makes it just a bit harder for the IRS to link all the deals together Equally alarming, Myron Scholes stated that he was not an expert on ta x law A textbook, Taxes Business Strategy principally written by Myron Scholes , contains chapters on both economic substance and step transactions, which are the two concepts under which the tax loss was disallowed by the IRS. In a memorandum to Long Term s management committee dated November 12, 1996, Myron Scholes wrote We must decide in the near future 1 how to allocate these capital losses 2 how to trade them so that they are held in high-valued hands and 3 how to plan to be able to enjoy the benefits of the use of these losses for the longest period of time If we are careful, most likely we will never have to pay long-term capital gains on the loan from the Government He went on, How should LTCM pay those who brought the Tax Losses to Fruition and allocate the expenses of undertaking the trade. Although much success within the financial markets arises from immediate-short term turbulence, and the ability of fund managers to identify informational asymmetries, factors giving rise to the downfall of the fund were established prior to the 1997 East Asian financial crisis In May and June 1998 returns from the fund were -6 42 and -10 14 respectively, reducing LTCM s capital by 461 million This was further aggravated by the exit of Salomon Brothers from the arbitrage business in July 1998 Such losses were accentuated through the Russian financial crises in August and September 1998, when the Russian Government defaulted on their government bonds Panicked investors sold Japanese and European bonds to buy U S treasury bonds The profits that were supposed to occur as the value of these bonds converged became huge losses as the value of the bonds diverged By the end of August, the fund had lost 1 85 billion in capital. As a result of these losses, LTCM had to liquidate a number of its positions at a highly unfavorable moment and suffer further losses A good illustration of the consequences of these forced liquidations is given by Lowenstein 2000 He reports that LTCM establ ished an arbitrage position in the dual-listed company or DLC Royal Dutch Shell in the summer of 1997, when Royal Dutch traded at an 8-10 premium relative to Shell In total 2 3 billion was invested, half of which was long in Shell and the other half was short in Royal Dutch LTCM was essentially betting that the share prices of Royal Dutch and Shell would converge This might have happened in the long run, but due to its losses on other positions, LTCM had to unwind its position in Royal Dutch Shell Lowenstein reports that the premium of Royal Dutch had increased to about 22 , which implies that LTCM incurred a large loss on this arbitrage strategy LTCM lost 286 million in equity pairs trading and more than half of this loss is accounted for by the Royal Dutch Shell trade. The company, which was providing annual returns of almost 40 up to this point, experienced a flight-to-liquidity In the first three weeks of September, LTCM s equity tumbled from 2 3 billion at the start of the month By September 25, LTCM had just 400 million in capital With liabilities still over 100 billion, this translated to an effective leverage ratio of more than 250-to-1.Long-Term Capital Management did business with nearly everyone important on Wall Street As LTCM teetered, Wall Street feared that Long-Term s failure could cause a chain reaction in numerous markets, causing catastrophic losses throughout the financial system After LTCM failed to raise more money on its own, it became clear it was running out of options On September 23, 1998, Goldman Sachs AIG and Berkshire Hathaway offered then to buy out the fund s partners for 250 million, to inject 3 75 billion and to operate LTCM within Goldman s own trading division The offer was stunningly low to LTCM s partners because at the start of the year their firm had been worth 4 7 billion Buffett gave Meriwether less than one hour to accept the deal the time period lapsed before a deal could be worked out. Seeing no options left the Federal Res erve Bank of New York organized a bailout of 3 625 billion by the major creditors to avoid a wider collapse in the financial markets The principal negotiator for LTCM was general counsel James G Rickards The contributions from the various institutions were as follows. In return, the participating banks got a 90 share in the fund and a promise that a supervisory board would be established LTCM s partners received a 10 stake, still worth about 400 million, but this money was completely consumed by their debts The partners once had 1 9 billion of their own money invested in LTCM, all of which was wiped out. The fear was that there would be a chain reaction as the company liquidated its securities to cover its debt, leading to a drop in prices, which would force other companies to liquidate their own debt creating a vicious cycle. The total losses were found to be 4 6 billion The losses in the major investment categories were ordered by magnitude. Long Term Capital was audited by Price Waterho use LLP After the bailout by the other investors, the panic abated, and the positions formerly held by LTCM were eventually liquidated at a small profit to the rescuers. Some industry officials said that Federal Reserve Bank of New York involvement in the rescue, however benign, would encourage large financial institutions to assume more risk, in the belief that the Federal Reserve would intervene on their behalf in the event of trouble Federal Reserve Bank of New York actions raised concerns among some market observers that it could create moral hazard. LTCM s strategies were compared a contrast with the market efficiency aphorism that there are no 100 bills lying on the street, as someone else has already picked them up to picking up nickels in front of a bulldozer a likely small gain balanced against a small chance of a large loss, like the payouts from selling an out-of-the-money option. After the bailout, Long-Term Capital Management continued operations In the year following the bai lout, it earned 10 By early 2000, the fund had been liquidated, and the consortium of banks that financed the bailout had been paid back but the collapse was devastating for many involved Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine who had been closely involved with LTCM, was forced out of the office in a boardroom coup led by Henry Paulson Mullins, once considered a possible successor to Alan Greenspan saw his future with the Reserve dashed The theories of Merton and Scholes took a public beating In its annual reports, Merrill Lynch observed that mathematical risk models may provide a greater sense of security than warranted therefore, reliance on these models should be limited. After helping unwind LTCM, Meriwether launched JWM Partners Haghani, Hilibrand, Leahy, and Rosenfeld all signed up as principals of the new firm By December 1999, they had raised 250 million for a fund that would continue many of LTCM s strategies this time, using less leverage Unfortunately, with the Credit Crisis, JWM Part ners LLC was hit with 44 loss from September 2007 to February 2009 in its Relative Value Opportunity II fund As such, JWM Hedge Fund was shut down in July 2009.In 1993 Meriwether created Long-Term Capital as a hedge fund and recruited several Salomon bond traders Larry Hilibrand and Victor Haghani in particular would wield substantial clout 6 and two future winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize, Myron S Scholes and Robert C Merton 7 8 Other principals included Eric Rosenfeld Greg Hawkins William Krasker, Dick Leahy, James McEntee, Robert Shustak, and David W Mullins Jr. The company consisted of Long-Term Capital Management LTCM , a company incorporated in Delaware but based in Greenwich, Connecticut LTCM managed trades in Long-Term Capital Portfolio LP, a partnership registered in the Cayman Islands The funds operation was designed to have extremely low overhead trades were conducted through a partnership with Bear Stearns and client relations were handled by Merrill Lynch 9.Meriwether ch ose to start a hedge fund to avoid the financial regulation imposed on more traditional investment vehicles, such as mutual funds as established by the Investment Company Act of 1940 funds which accepted stakes from 100 or fewer individuals with more than 1 million in net worth each were exempt from most of the regulations that bound other investment companies 10 In late 1993, Meriwether approached several high-net-worth individuals in an effort to secure start-up capital for Long-Term Capital Management With the help of Merrill Lynch, LTCM secured hundreds of millions of dollars from business owners, celebrities and even private university endowments and later the Italian central bank The bulk of the money, however, came from companies and individuals connected to the financial industry 11 By 24 February 1994, the day LTCM began trading, the company had amassed just over 1 01 billion in capital 12.The core investment strategy of the company was then known as involving convergence trad ing using quantitative models to exploit deviations from fair value in the relationships between liquid securities across nations and asset classes In fixed income the company was involved in US Treasuries, Japanese Government Bonds, UK Gilts, Italian BTPs, and Latin American debt, although their activities were not confined to these markets or to government bonds 13.Fixed Income Arbitrage. Fixed income securities pay a set of coupons at specified dates in the future, and make a defined redemption payment at maturity Since bonds of similar maturities and the same credit quality are close substitutes for investors, there tends to be a close relationship between their prices and yields Whereas it is possible to construct a single set of valuation curves for derivative instruments based on LIBOR-type fixings, it is not possible to do so for government bond securities because every bond has slightly different characteristics It is therefore necessary to construct a theoretical model of what the relationships between different but closely related fixed income securities should be. For example, the most recently issued treasury bond in the US known as the benchmark will be more liquid than bonds of similar but slightly shorter maturity that were issued previously Trading is concentrated in the benchmark bond, and transaction costs are lower for buying or selling it As a consequence, it tends to trade more expensively than less liquid older bonds, but this expensiveness or richness tends to have a limited duration, because after a certain time there will be a new benchmark, and trading will shift to this security newly issued by the Treasury One core trade in the LTCM strategies was to purchase the old benchmark now a 29 75-year bond, and which no longer had a significant premium and to sell short the newly issued benchmark 30-year, which traded at a premium Over time the valuations of the two bonds would tend to converge as the richness of the benchmark faded once a new ben chmark was issued If the coupons of the two bonds were similar, then this trade would create an exposure to changes in the shape of the yield curve a flattening would depress the yields and raise the prices of longer-dated bonds, and raise the yields and depress the prices of shorter-dated bonds It would therefore tend to create losses by making the 30-year bond that LTCM was short more expensive and the 29 75-year bond they owned cheaper even if there had been no change in the true relative valuation of the securities This exposure to the shape of the yield curve could be managed at a portfolio level, and hedged out by entering a smaller steepener in other similar securities. Leverage and Portfolio Composition. Because the magnitude of discrepancies in valuations in this kind of trade is small for the benchmark Treasury convergence trade, typically a few basis points , in order to earn significant returns for investors, LTCM used leverage to create a portfolio that was a significant mul tiple varying over time depending on their portfolio composition of investors equity in the fund It was also necessary to access the financing market in order to borrow the securities that they had sold short In order to maintain their portfolio, LTCM was therefore dependent on the willingness of its counterparties in the government bond repo market to continue to finance their portfolio If the company was unable to extend its financing agreements, then it would be forced to sell the securities it owned and to buy back the securities it was short at market prices, regardless of whether these were favourable from a valuation perspective. At the beginning of 1998, the firm had equity of 4 72 billion and had borrowed over 124 5 billion with assets of around 129 billion, for a debt-to-equity ratio of over 25 to 1 14 It had off-balance sheet derivative positions with a notional value of approximately 1 25 trillion, most of which were in interest rate derivatives such as interest rate swaps T he fund also invested in other derivatives such as equity options. Under prevailing US tax laws, there was a different treatment of long-term capital gains, which were taxed at 20 0 percent, and income, which was taxed at 39 6 percent The earnings for partners in a hedge fund was taxed at the higher rate applying to income, and LTCM applied its financial engineering expertise to legally transform income into capital gains It did so by engaging in a transaction with UBS Union Bank of Switzerland that would defer foreign interest income for seven years, thereby being able to earn the more favourable capital gains treatment LTCM purchased a call option on 1 million of their own shares valued then at 800 million for a premium paid to UBS of 300 million This transaction was completed in three tranches in June, August, and October 1997 Under the terms of the deal, UBS agreed to reinvest the 300 million premium directly back into LTCM for a minimum of three years In order to hedge its exposure from being short the call option, UBS also purchased 1 million of LTCM shares Put-call parity means that being short a call and long the same amount of notional as underlying the call is equivalent to being short a put So the net effect of the transaction was for UBS to lend 300 million to LTCM at LIBOR 50 and to be short a put on 1 million shares UBSs own motivation for the trade was to be able to invest in LTCM a possibility that was not open to investors generally and to become closer to LTCM as a client LTCM quickly became the largest client of the hedge fund desk, generating 15 million in fees annually 15.Diminishing Opportunities and Broadening of Strategies. LTCM attempted to create a splinter fund in 1996 called LTCM-X that would invest in even higher risk trades and focus on Latin American markets LTCM turned to UBS to invest in and write the warrant for this new spin-off company 16.LTCM faced challenges in deploying capital as their capital base grew due to initially strong r eturns, and as the magnitude of anomalies in market pricing diminished over time In Q4 1997, a year in which they earned 27 , LTCM returned capital to investors They also broadened their strategies to include new approaches in markets outside of fixed income many of these were not market neutral they were not dependent on overall interest rates or stock prices going up or down and they were not traditional convergence trades By 1998, LTCM had accumulated extremely large positions in areas such as merger arbitrage betting on differences between a proprietary view of the likelihood of success of mergers and other corporate transactions would be completed and the implied market pricing and SP 500 options net short long-term SP volatility LTCM had become a major supplier of SP 500 vega which had been in demand by companies seeking to essentially insure equities against future declines 17.The value of 1,000 invested in LTCM, 18 the Dow Jones Industrial Average and invested monthly in U S Tr easuries at constant maturity. Although periods of distress have often created tremendous opportunities for relative value strategies, this did not prove to be the case on this occasion, and the seeds of LTCMs demise were sown before the Russian default of 17 August 1998 19 LTCM had returned 2 7 bn to investors in Q4 of 1997, although it had also raised a total in capital of 1 066bn from UBS and 133m from CSFB Since position sizes had not been reduced, the net effect was to raise the leverage of the fund. Although 1997 had been a very profitable year for LTCM 27 , the lingering effects of the 1997 Asian crisis continued to shape developments in asset markets into 1998 Although this crisis had originated in Asia, its effects were not confined to that region The rise in risk aversion had raised concerns amongst investors regarding all markets heavily dependent on international capital flows, and this shaped asset pricing in markets outside Asia too 20.In May and June 1998 returns from the fund were -6 42 and -10 14 respectively, reducing LTCMs capital by 461 million This was further aggravated by the exit of Salomon Brothers from the arbitrage business in July 1998 Because the Salomon arbitrage group where many of LTCMs strategies had first been incubated had been a significant player in the kinds of strategies also pursued by LTCM, the liquidation of the Salomon portfolio and its announcement itself had the effect of depressing the prices of the securities owned by LTCM and bidding up the prices of the securities LTCM was short According to Michael Lewis in the New York Times article of July 1998, returns that month were circa -10 One LTCM partner commented that because there was a clear temporary reason to explain the widening of arbitrage spreads, at the time it gave them more conviction that these trades would eventually return to fair value as they did, but not without widening much further first. Such losses were accentuated through the 1998 Russian financial crisi s in August and September 1998, when the Russian government defaulted on their domestic local currency bonds 21 This came as a surprise to many investors because according to traditional economic thinking of the time, a sovereign issuer should never need to default given access to the printing press There was a flight to quality, bidding up the prices of the most liquid and benchmark securities that LTCM was short, and depressing the price of the less liquid securities that they owned This phenomenon occurred not merely in the US Treasury market but across the full spectrum of financial assets Although LTCM was diversified the nature of their strategy implied an exposure to a latent factor risk of the price of liquidity across markets As a consequence, when a much larger flight to liquidity occurred than they had anticipated when constructing their portfolio, their positions designed to profit from convergence to fair value incurred large losses as expensive but liquid securities becam e more expensive, and cheap but illiquid securities became cheaper By the end of August, the fund had lost 1 85 billion in capital. Because LTCM was not the only fund pursuing such a strategy, 22 and because the proprietary trading desks of the banks also held some similar trades, the divergence from fair value was made worse as these other positions were also liquidated As rumours of LTCMs difficulties spread, some market participants positioned in anticipation of a forced liquidation Victor Haghani, a partner at LTCM, said about this time it was as if there was someone out there with our exact portfolio, only it was three times as large as ours, and they were liquidating all at once. Because these losses reduced the capital base of LTCM, and its ability to maintain the magnitude of its existing portfolio, LTCM was forced to liquidate a number of its positions at a highly unfavorable moment and suffer further losses A vivid illustration of the consequences of these forced liquidations i s given by Lowenstein 2000 23 He reports that LTCM established an arbitrage position in the dual-listed company or DLC Royal Dutch Shell in the summer of 1997, when Royal Dutch traded at an 8 -10 premium relative to Shell In total 2 3 billion was invested, half of which was long in Shell and the other half was short in Royal Dutch 24.LTCM was essentially betting that the share prices of Royal Dutch and Shell would converge because in their belief the present value of the future cashflows of the two securities should be similar This might have happened in the long run, but due to its losses on other positions, LTCM had to unwind its position in Royal Dutch Shell Lowenstein reports that the premium of Royal Dutch had increased to about 22 , which implies that LTCM incurred a large loss on this arbitrage strategy LTCM lost 286 million in equity pairs trading and more than half of this loss is accounted for by the Royal Dutch Shell trade 25.The company, which had historically earned annual ised compounded returns of almost 40 up to this point, experienced a flight-to-liquidity In the first three weeks of September, LTCMs equity tumbled from 2 3 billion at the start of the month to just 400 million by September 25 With liabilities still over 100 billion, this translated to an effective leverage ratio of more than 250-to-1 26.Long-Term Capital Management did business with nearly everyone important on Wall Street Indeed, much of LTCMs capital was composed of funds from the same financial professionals with whom it traded As LTCM teetered, Wall Street feared that Long-Terms failure could cause a chain reaction in numerous markets, causing catastrophic losses throughout the financial system. After LTCM failed to raise more money on its own, it became clear it was running out of options On September 23, 1998, Goldman Sachs AIG and Berkshire Hathaway offered then to buy out the funds partners for 250 million, to inject 3 75 billion and to operate LTCM within Goldmans own trading division The offer was stunningly low to LTCMs partners because at the start of the year their firm had been worth 4 7 billion Warren Buffett gave Meriwether less than one hour to accept the deal the time lapsed before a deal could be worked out 27.Seeing no options left, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York organized a bailout of 3 625 billion by the major creditors to avoid a wider collapse in the financial markets 28 The principal negotiator for LTCM was general counsel James G Rickards 29 The contributions from the various institutions were as follows 30 31.In return, the participating banks got a 90 share in the fund and a promise that a supervisory board would be established LTCMs partners received a 10 stake, still worth about 400 million, but this money was completely consumed by their debts The partners once had 1 9 billion of their own money invested in LTCM, all of which was wiped out 33.The fear was that there would be a chain reaction as the company liquidated its securit ies to cover its debt, leading to a drop in prices, which would force other companies to liquidate their own debt creating a vicious cycle. The total losses were found to be 4 6 billion The losses in the major investment categories were ordered by magnitude 23.Long-Term Capital was audited by Price Waterhouse LLP After the bailout by the other investors, the panic abated, and the positions formerly held by LTCM were eventually liquidated at a small profit to the rescuers Although termed a bailout, the transaction effectively amounted to an orderly liquidation of the positions held by LTCM with creditor involvement and supervision by the Federal Reserve Bank No public money was injected or directly at risk, and the companies involved in providing support to LTCM were also those that stood to lose from its failure The creditors themselves did not lose money from being involved in the transaction. Some industry officials said that Federal Reserve Bank of New York involvement in the rescue, however benign, would encourage large financial institutions to assume more risk, in the belief that the Federal Reserve would intervene on their behalf in the event of trouble Federal Reserve Bank of New York actions raised concerns among some market observers that it could create moral hazard since even though the Fed had not directly injected capital, its use of moral suasion to encourage creditor involvement emphasized its interest in supporting the financial system 34.LTCMs strategies were compared a contrast with the market efficiency aphorism that there are no 100 bills lying on the street, as someone else has already picked them up to picking up nickels in front of a bulldozer 35 a likely small gain balanced against a small chance of a large loss, like the payouts from selling an out-of-the-money naked call option. After the bailout, Long-Term Capital Management continued operations In the year following the bailout, it earned 10 By early 2000, the fund had been liquidated, and the consortium of banks that financed the bailout had been paid back but the collapse was devastating for many involved Mullins, once considered a possible successor to Alan Greenspan saw his future with the Fed dashed The theories of Merton and Scholes took a public beating In its annual reports, Merrill Lynch observed that mathematical risk models may provide a greater sense of security than warranted therefore, reliance on these models should be limited 36.After helping unwind LTCM, Meriwether launched JWM Partners Haghani, Hilibrand, Leahy, and Rosenfeld signed up as principals of the new firm By December 1999, they had raised 250 million for a fund that would continue many of LTCMs strategies this time, using less leverage 37 With the credit crisis of 2008, JWM Partners LLC was hit with a 44 loss from September 2007 to February 2009 in its Relative Value Opportunity II fund As such, JWM Hedge Fund was shut down in July 2009 38.In 1998, the chairman of Union Bank of Switzerland res igned as a result of a 780 million loss incurred from the short put option on LTCM, which had become very significantly in the money due to its collapse 1.LTCM is a large hedge fund led by Nobel Prize-winning economists and renowned Wall Street traders that nearly collapsed the global financial system in 1998 as a result of high-risk arbitrage trading strategies. The fund formed in 1993 and was founded by renowned Salomon Brothers bond trader, John Meriwether It started with just over 1 billion in initial assets and focused on bond trading The trading strategy of the fund was to make convergence trades, which involve taking advantage of arbitrage between securities that are incorrectly priced relative to each other. Due to the small spread in arbitrage opportunities, the fund had to leverage itself highly to make money At its height in 1998, the fund had 5 billion in assets, controlled over 100 billion and had positions whose total worth was over a 1 trillion. Due to its highly leveraged nature and a financial crisis in Russia, which led to a flight to quality, the fund sustained massive losses and was in danger of defaulting on its loans This made it difficult for the fund to cut its losses in its positions The fund held huge positions in the market, totalling roughly 5 of the total global fixed-income market LTCM had borrowed massive amounts of money to finance its leveraged trades Had LTCM gone into default, it would have triggered a global financial crisis, caused by the massive write-offs its creditors would have had to make In September 1998, the fund, which continued to sustain losses, was bailed out with the help of the Federal Reserve and its creditors and taken over A systematic meltdown of the market was thus prevented. To find out more about hedge fund risks please talk to a qualified Holborn Assets adviser. Thread A Guide to Forex Brokers what Market Maker, STP and ECN brokers really are. Join Date May 2009 Posts 36.A Guide to Forex Brokers what Market Maker, STP and ECN brokers really are. Yesterday I talked about Market Making brokers today I ll discuss STP and ECN brokers. Forex Broker, which is not a Market Maker, is either a Straight Through Processing Broker STP or an Electronic Communications Network Broker ECN These types of brokers are typically and sometimes erroneously called Non Dealing Desk brokers. ECN Broker is a broker per-se, one who gives you a direct access to display your order in the market This broker s income comes from a certain mark-up on the spread displayed to you for instance if the current actual spread on a EURUSD pair is 0 2 pips, this broker might display you a 0 5 pips spread making 0 3 pips on every trade you make. There are several ECN brokers out there with Swiss Dukascopy being one of the most recognized with the ECN execution model. For a retail trader ECN execution is often beyond reach due to its inter-banking nature, traders are typically required to trade very large lots and minimum deposit requirements are somewhere from 50,000 to 100,000 FXOpen recently tried to cover this gap by offering a MT4 ECN platform, not very successfully or transparently in my opinion. STP Broker is a type of a Market Making broker This broker, most of the time, displays its own quotes which are correlated to the actual inter-banking quotes. Now here is the real complexity sometimes this broker routes your orders to the market acts as an STP broker but sometimes it doesn t acts as a Market Maker. For instance, successful traders or successful trading algorithms will be automatically routed to the market while small or losing clients will not This way the broker profits twice once by clients losses and another by not losing money to successful traders of course this never works 100 but it does most of the time. This way the STP broker s commission comes from two sources unsuccessful clients losses and commission arbitrage on routed orders when you trade at 2 pips with this broker for example, it routes your ord ers to another broker or the inter-banking market thus making 1 pip without assuming any risk. This model is also responsible for all the re-quotes and order rejections When you open a large order the broker routes it to the market, but the prices there might have already changed the market does move very fast sometimes so the broker is faced with two options either rejecting the order asking for you to adjust prices or completing the order by taking the risk that it might end up a successful trade meaning the broker will have to pay you from its pockets Nostro. So how do you as a trader distinguish between a MM, STP or ECN broker. Well, it s easy to recognize an ECN broker the minimal capital requirements and the ability to see not only the bid and ask prices but also the amounts on either side of the price Depth Levels is the most notable ECN feature. Can you tell the difference between MM and STP Probably not. It s very hard to distinguish between these two and most of the time the broke rs use a hybrid model anyway As I mentioned in the first part most of US and UK regulated brokers will not trade against you in the way that will make you lose money, not because they are moral but because this might cause problems with their license. So to sum this up. Market Maker is the market, profits from losses and spread, typically never re-quotes. STP sometimes is the market, profits either from losses or spread or both, re-quotes. ECN route to the actual market, requires big accounts, plenty of re-quotes. forex news radio Autopilot Robot. forex news radio. forex news radio. forex news radio. Radio Forex apotheosis Petersburg mind online schedule localization contact and broadcast Now playing on R. Welcome to forex news radio Talking Forex. Allow an experienced team of whole indifferent analysts helper you understand every one piece of FX related news that hits the markets. Listen to Bloomberg Radio the unloose internet radio from the world s real time forex news radio most trusted source of financial news and business enterprise information Continues with both brant goose and WTI moving forex news radio live to sitting highs amid no newly key news RTTNews delivers the in vogue news program from around the world covering byplay economic science politics forex market place analysis stocks to watch entertainment audio Is in that respect a tidings station that focuses on FOREX only tidings or that atomic number 85 least has a Forex section included with their early business First for FX News the squeeze in embrocate. Autopilot forex news radio. Ventura Securities Indian Online Share Trading Portal Indian Online Stock Brokers Company offering Share Trading for BSE and NSE Stocks and Mutual Fund. May We Help You. Attention Investors Prevent Unauthorised transactions in your account Update your mobile number email ID with your stock brokers Receive information of your transactions directly from Exchange on your mobile email at the end of the day Issued in the interest of Investor s. Links Rules Regulations - Equity Commodity. Privacy Policy Disclaimer. BSE CM INB010760438 BSE FO INF010760438 NSE CM INB230760432 NSE FO INF230760432 NSE CD INE230760432 MCX-SX INB260760435 OTCEI INB200760438 NCDEX TM NO 00059 FMC CODE NCDEX TCM CORP 0250 MCX TM NO 16115 FMC CODE MCX TCM CORP 0667.Binary Options Strategies for Beginners. Posted By admin on March 7, 2013.When you first start binary options trading, youll likely come across tons of articles, tips and tricks and other advice about strategies As you learn and progress, youll want to look into all of these to see which ones work for you However, in the beginning it pays to keep things simple Here are five strategies even beginners can master for success.1 The Stupid Guy System. Yes, the name is a little off-putting, but we embraced the For Dummies books, didnt we This system involves using MACD crossovers MACD is Moving Average Convergence Divergence, which sounds really complicated, but isnt Basically, you use this indicato r which is available on most binary options brokerage sites and watch the lines When the line crosses over upwards or downwards, its time to trade If the indicators move up, you place a call option If it moves down, you place a put option See Very simple.2 The Strangle Strategy. The Strangle Strategy is commonly used by stock market investors, but binary options traders have learned to adapt it to their system of trading It involves using Touch No Touch trading Buy a call higher than the current value of the stock and a put lower than the current value of the stock When you use the Touch No Touch option, one of these contracts either the call or the put will always be in the money.3 One Touch Weekend Trading. Image via Flickr by Roberto Verzo. This strategy is excellent for weekend traders who dont have time to deal with binary options trading all week long It involves placing an option close to or at the strike zone, and the value of the stock only has to get there once during the week t o be in the money These are all or nothing trades, but are very high yield Remember, however, that high yield trades are always higher risk trades.4 Hedging Strategy. This is perhaps the most simple binary options strategy for beginners to master It simply involves placing both a call option and a put option on each trade One will always be in the money You can further offset your chances of losing out by taking advantage of any refunds options your broker offers at the time of trade purchase.5 Multiple Time Frame Strategy. In binary options trading, there really is a strategy for everyone What youll notice quickly is some investors are in love with a particular strategy while others loathe it Instead of worrying about what everyone else thinks or what the pros are doing, simply read enough to get a feel for the strategy Just start out with low investment amounts until you get the hang of the new strategy and decide whether its worth pursuing. MTE-Media launches White Label news and marke t research service. MTE-Media a B2B education provider, has announced the launch of a News and Analysis Department. The novel service aims to provide useful information and to increase traders engagement with effective content and the built-in call to action system Brokers use the wide range of news and analysis tools on their websites to bolster their online marketing performance. This offering is in addition to MTE s well-known exclusive branded educational content and Economic Calendar. MTE-Media seeks to become a one stop shop for all the content a financial retail website needs. The new service includes. A live market summary, which shows when an asset becomes a good trading option and sends a push notification to the user s desktop and mobile phone A Daily Weekly Monthly Market Summary service, which will show the most traded assets on any given day along with their indicators market summaries The News service, which covers financial topics and daily and weekly market reviews, which ar e published throughout the day The technical analysis service, analyzed by professional analysts, which presents charts and covers the hottest assets throughout the day. To maintain our high level of content, we ve hired the best writers and analysts in the market We make sure that our market research is very specific and exactly what a typical private investor will find useful, says Mr Eran Arvaz, the founder of MTE-Media. MTE-Medias offering stands out as the company provides all the services in-house In addition, its customization capabilities are widely renowned It is worth noting that the service is available in several languages. Mr Erez Shifron, the CMO of MTE-Media, says Every broker must provide education and market research tools to its traders From now on, the brokers can get it all in one place. Brokers realize the importance of content marketing in the overall marketing strategy Compared to shopping around one by one or buying from a reseller, having all the tools in one place is a wise move by MTE-Media. Things You ll Need. Stocks if you plan to transfer or send to your new online account. Know what type of investments you plan to make Trading common stock, options, day trade and mutual funds are possibilities. Make a list of potential online trading companies A Publicly owned company is more transparent Barron s magazine puts out a yearly review of online brokers Check barrons for a reprint of the latest or see if your local library has a copypare account requirements and services offered Some companies require a minimum deposit to open an account Cash, margin and retirement accounts vary for this initial outlay. Choose an online account and click the open account button on the home webpage Follow the instructions Answer each question and push next with your mouse This process varies by company. Determine in advance the type of account you want to open Individual, joint and IRA are standard Other types include tenants in common, community property and tenants by entireties Margin and option trading have additional conditions. Know your social security number and any beneficiary if applicable The beneficiary usually is for an IR A type of account where the social security number and the beneficiary s address are required. Prepare to give employment information Address and phone numbers are standard Write down banking information If you plan to use electronic transfer have your routing and account number. Choose a mailing and email address This address is the one where statements and money owed you will go. Follow the instructions for your first deposit closely Electronic, check or stock transfers are options Pick the one that suits you best Submit the application and wait for account approval Once approved start investing. Stargate Trading Card Game. The Stargate Trading Card Game sometimes abbreviated to Stargate TCG is a trading card game based on the long-running Stargate series It released in both online and physical card formats in April 2007 1 The first set is to be based on SG-1 though upcoming releases will add additional cards from SG-1 and incorporate Stargate Atlantis as well The Stargate TCG is designed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by Comic Images. Gameplay 3D 3D Edit. The TCG pulls players into the Stargate universe as they put their favorite characters together to form a team and send them through the gate to accomplish missions New gameplay lets characters learn from their accomplishments and mistakes to increase their capabilities There are three different ways to possibly win Earning experience points, collecting glyphs, or scoring Adversaries. By completing missions, players can play glyphs onto their characters which unlock abilities that could help them win the game. Online gameplay 3D 3D Edit. The online version of the game is identical to the standard game and contains the same cards However, being online it gives players the advantage of a more diverse group of opponents to play against at any time of day or night Also, it includes an online deck builder and collection management system, making it easy to manage your physical and virtual collections There are also online tournaments with rewards of free cards and increased player rankings in worldwide standings Finally, Sony Online has introduced a redemption program known as Through the Gate This allows players to collect the full set of digital cards, and then redeem them online for physical cards 2 The online game went live on April 27, 2007.Cards sets 3D 3D Edit. Set 1 SG-1 3D 3D Edit. The first set is based on the series Stargate SG-1 and contains 292 cards Starter decks feature Jack O Neill Daniel Jackson Samantha Carter and Teal c and are fully playable, each containing sixty cards including four team character cards that are based on the heroes of the show Booster packs each contain eleven additional cards, including characters, enemies, missions, weapons and other gear, as well as obstacles that you can use to enhance your deck The set is made up of 66 Rare cards, 66 Uncommon cards, 100 Common cards, 6 Ultra-Rare cards, and 54 Starter-deck-only cards. Set 2 System Lords 3D 3D Edit. Release d on August 16, the 292 card System Lords expansion focuses on expanding the Villain aspect of the Stargate TCG Starter Decks feature Ba al Apophis Osiris and Yu It introduced a new feature called Dominion and expanded upon existing traits from the SG-1 set such as Russians Tok ra and NID The set is made up of 66 Rare cards, 66 Uncommon cards, 100 Common cards, 6 Ultra-Rare cards, and 54 Starter-deck-only cards. Set 3 Rise of the Ori 3D 3D Edit. Rise of the Ori was the third and final deck of cards released for the Stargate Trading Card Game preceded by System Lords. World Championships 3D 3D Edit.1st Physical World Championship August 17 18, 2007 GenCon Indy Champion Scott Watson, Runner up Dave Morello. 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Forex MetaTrader Brokers are those Forex brokers who offer the MetaTrader 4 MT4 platform to their clients In case you are new to Forex the platform is the software that allows you to monitor the market and open and close trades from within your forex broker account. There are many brokers out there and many platforms but MetaTrader is by far the most popular one Consequently the number of Forex MetaTrader brokers is also quite large compared to the other brokers out there. Why is it so important whether your forex broker offers the MetaTrader platform or some other platform MetaTrader has not become the most popular platform out there accidentally This software has some exceptional features compared to many of the other platforms available today Lets quickly go over them.1 MT4 is Free Forex MetaTrader Brokers let clients and prospective client download the software for free and create a demo account on their servers This a great way to polish your trading skills without risking real money Once you download the platform it is very easy to install and the interface is very intuitive and feature-rich There are no Bronze versions, Web-version etc All the features of MetaTrader are immediately available to all clients as soon as they download the platform.2 The MetaTrader platform is integrated with Charts, meaning that not only does it show current prices of the currencies to the users but it also allows them to open charts, place Technical Analysis indicators and oscillators on the charts e g MA and RSI all in one application You will not have a whole mess of windows all over you desktop its all contained tightly within the MetaTrader 4 main window As a direct consequence of this integration placing an order is really easy. Simply right click on the c hart and select New Order from the Trading context menu If you click in the area where you want your price to be the system will offer to open a pending order at that price How convenient is that.3 The fact that the charts are a part of MT4 and automatically available means that you are actually getting 2 pieces of software for free the platform and the charts Remember theres still many brokers out there who will give you the trading platform for free but will not provide you with free charts You have to pay to get access to charts with these brokers Not the case with forex MetaTrader brokers.4 Automation Perhaps one of the best feature of the MetaTrader platform and that is why both Forex MetaTrader brokers and their clients love this software is the built-in automation system MT4 supports a special programming language called MQL which allows traders to create their own indicators, scripts and even fully automated trading robots The robots are called EAs Electronic Advisers and are i n essence programs, which everyone can use with MetaTrader to analyze data, automate a range of tasks, create alerts or even automate the entire trading process completely. There are many EAs available with the most popular one definitely being Forex-Autopilot This amazing MQL program will trade on your behalf monitoring the market, opening and closing positions for you day in and day out, regardless of whether you are sitting at your computer or playing golf or sleeping. Even though Forex-Autopilot is a pretty profitable little robot and has sold by far the most copies of all similar products available on the market, my personal vote goes for FAP-Turbo, another robot developed by the same team Although it is not quite as popular as forex-autopilot and the only reason in my opinion is because it is brand new released in Nov 2008 it definitely outperforms FAP in all aspects providing real-time results on its web site information from 3 real accounts being traded in real time, streamed to the site LIVE , placing server-based Stop-Loss and Take-Profit orders Forex-Autopilot relied only on internal, programmatic stop loss and take profit, and providing 2 strategies which the robot selects automatically which one to used based on timerframe and market conditions.5 MT4 offers tons of other features not available on other platforms It has a huge arsenal of technical analysis indicators and you can always plug in more since you can add more MQL modules to your MetaTrader station at any time. You can customize the look and feel of your charts You can export and import your data and preferences. Another very important feature is that every Forex MetaTrader broker keeps an archive of historical prices and these prices are available for download through your MT4 system You can use these prices to test your own strategies or you can run the robots on these data thus testing how profitable it will be Many other parameters such as slippage, Stop-Loss and Take Profit available at time of placing an order, etc to detailed to over them here. Below you will find a link to a list of all known Forex MetaTrader brokers Heres some of the most popular ones, for your convenience. Keep in mind that even though there are lots of Forex MetaTrader brokers out there you will need to choose the one which is most suitable for your trading style and preferences Not all Forex MetaTrader brokers are equal Although they all offer essentially the same trading software to their clients, their internal account settings such as swap rates, minimum lot sizes, spreads, etc may be quite different Some may not be suitable to your trading style. For example if you plan to use scalping strategies or scalping EAs you will need to go with a forex MetaTrader brokers which is STP or NDD These are acronyms for straight through processing and no dealing desk and essentially mean that your broker is not a Market Maker broker You see while many MM brokers often look for ways to take advantage of their clie nts and trade against them, the STP brokers really dont care whether their clients trades are winning or losing. Because their clients win is not the brokers loss since they dont take a counter part to their clients trading transactions Hence the NDD Forex brokers will only be too happy to know that their clients do well as this way they will stay as their clients longer and bring them more commissions By the way ECN which stands for Electronic communication network is another name for STP or NDD brokers. How to find out whether your broker trades against you Ask them Dont be shy Call them, email them or chat with their CS reps Its a good idea to ask them even before you download the demo software, whether they are STP or NDD broker If they start giving you vague answers instead of a clear Yes or No then you know that these particular forex MetaTrader brokers are not STP NDD ECN. Another thing to watch for some Forex MetaTrader brokers will not allow robots on their servers Others, such a s ODL Securities have a policy against certain EAs in particular FAP-Turbo because this EA is too profitable and hence is hurting the MM brokers financial interests. Free forex trading signals online shopping. 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The fundamentals of forex trading and CFD trading are in fact very similar but there are some key differences For example, to help cater for all of your trading needs, we offer forex trading via separate trading platforms to our CFD offeri ng. This section aims to identify those key differences and help you to decide which trading account to open with us. Range of Markets CFDs offer a broader range of markets to trade including indices, stocks and forex, whilst forex trading offers pure currency trading only on 37 forex pairs. Trading Platforms As a forex and CFD client, you can trade all of our platforms including download, browser-based, mobile and tablet However, MT4 is only available to forex clientsmission With CFD equity trades only you are charged a small commission for each trade you place For all other CFD markets and forex trading, trades are free from commission. Guaranteed Stop Losses This is available via the CFD platforms only For forex trading, standard stop losses are available. Trade Sizes Trade sizes differ across forex and CFDs For more information, please see the table below. Greater Leverage City Index forex traders can trade the forex markets from a leverage ratio scale of 20 1 to 400 1, meaning you can t rade our forex pairs up to a margin equivalent of 0 25 , greater than what is currently offered for forex markets via our CFD platforms. Margin Leverage calculations All forex trades are undertaken with a leverage ratio such as 100 1 However, CFD markets are margined in a different way, as either fixed percentage such as 5 or margin factor such as 60 x stake. At City Index, we seek to cater for all client needs and our ability to offer forex trading and CFD trading helps us to give you a greater range of markets and better trading flexibility. 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To ubezpieczenie posiada zawony zakres ochrony, jednak ze wzgldu na swoj cen jest atrakcyjne dla wielu klientw, zwaszcza tych, ktrzy ubezpieczaj samochd po raz pierwszy Mini autocasco obejmuje wycznie te zniszczenia, ktre wyniky w skutek wypadku z winy kierowcy, jeeli koszt naprawy nie przekracza 70 jego wartoci oraz kradzie samochodu. Atrakcyjno ubezpieczenie Mini Casco znacznie wzrasta wraz ze spadajc wartoci pojazdu ubezpieczenie w penym pakiecie starszego auta czsto moe siga a 1 3 jego wartoci, przez to staje si inwestycj mao opacaln Mini Casco zabezpiecza przede wszystkim przed kradzie, ktra jest najgorszym zmartwieniem wielu kierowcw. Zwykle pakiet ubezpieczenia ma charakter moduowy i dopiera si go w zalenoci od potrzeb klienta Rwnie zakres i warunki ochrony w rnych towarzystwach s zrnicowane, dlatego warto je porwna, aby wybra ofert najlepiej dopasowan do naszych potrzeb Do wsplnych elementw rnych firm naley jedynie ubezpieczenie od kradziey i ochron na terenie RP. Warto pamita, e Mini Autocasco mona dokupi do posiadanego ubezpieczenia komunikacyjnego niezalenie od tego, z jakim towarzystwem ma si zawart polis OC. Mini autocasco. Tanie ubezpieczenie samochodu Atrakcyjne warunki oferty Minimum formalnoci dla kadego zainteresowanego Moliwo zakupu online Zrnicowany zakres ochrony Oferta dopasowana do potrzeb klienta Mini autocasco dopasowane do potrzeb klienta Kierowco Poczuj si bezpiecznie na drodze i poza ni. Ubezpieczenia autocasco. Ubezpieczenia autocasco to ubezpieczenia dobrowolne, ktre chroni pojazdu w przypadku uszkodzenia z winy ubezpieczonego lub osb trzecich oraz czynnikw atmosferycznych i kradziey Mona wybra jeden z dwch dostpnych pakietw maxi casco i mini casco, ktre rni si proponowanym zakresem ochrony. Mini autocasco co to oznacza. To ubezpieczenie posiada zawony zakres ochrony, jednak ze wzgldu na swoj cen jest atrakcyjne dla wielu klientw, zwaszcza tych, ktrzy ubezpieczaj samochd po raz pierwszy Mini autocasco obejmuje wycznie te zniszczenia, ktre wyniky w skutek wypadku z winy kierowcy, jeeli koszt naprawy nie przekracza 70 jego wartoci oraz kradzie samochodu. Atrakcyjno ubezpi eczenie Mini Casco znacznie wzrasta wraz ze spadajc wartoci pojazdu ubezpieczenie w penym pakiecie starszego auta czsto moe siga a 1 3 jego wartoci, przez to staje si inwestycj mao opacaln Mini Casco zabezpiecza przede wszystkim przed kradzie, ktra jest najgorszym zmartwieniem wielu kierowcw. Zwykle pakiet ubezpieczenia ma charakter moduowy i dopiera si go w zalenoci od potrzeb klienta Rwnie zakres i warunki ochrony w rnych towarzystwach s zrnicowane, dlatego warto je porwna, aby wybra ofert najlepiej dopasowan do naszych potrzeb Do wsplnych elementw rnych firm naley jedynie ubezpieczenie od kradziey i ochron na terenie RP. Warto pamita, e Mini Autocasco mona dokupi do posiadanego ubezpieczenia komunikacyjnego niezalenie od tego, z jakim towarzystwem ma si zawart polis OC.

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